Date: January 27, 2019
Arena: "Croke Park Stadium" in Dublin, Ireland
PPV Opener
(The scene opens to a new arena. You see Ireland flags all over the crowd and the entrance stage. Fireworks shoot from the tage as "March on the Saints" by Down plays. After the fireworks and the music settles down and the scene goes to Matt Weiser & Demon down at ringside. Matt Weiser opens the show.)
Matt Weiser: Here we are in Dublin, Ireland and this is The World War 4 Pay-Per-View. This is the road to StarrCade.
Demon: Oh yeah! I been at this PPV and been at StarrCade so it is the most exciting time we have.
Matt Weiser: Well we have a stacked card tonight.
Demon: Myself I love this card. But what I love even more is the beautiful Ireland. ECWF didn't do much traveling like this. We went to Japan in October and now Ireland in Janaury so I wonder where to next this year.
Matt Weiser: Who knows Demon!
Demon: Yeah I hope alot of different places. But tonight is the 30 male WarTime Rumble. I myself been in at least 2 in my ECWF career and it was funny and exciting to see who is coming in.
Matt Weiser: Yeah like there is at least 2 people representing ECWF in it while the rest is filled with outside talent.
Demon: Yeah I heard of some of these guys and gals but never in a ECWF ring. So lets see what they can showcase their skills.
Matt Weiser: Yeah that will lead to haveing a 20 female WarTime Rumble before the males.
Demon: Yeah these girls have gave it their all in promos and in social media. I enjoy this and this is what the ECWF female division is all about. We are kicking down walls and bringing in this new era.
Matt Weiser: Yeah! That is going to be a great event.Before that two women will do battle in a anything goes, pinfalls anywhere called Horror-Core Rules. The defending champion Samantha Tolson is going into her first defense against the up and coming Eavan Maloney. Maloney was here during the All or Nothing War back in November and she plans on making a statement by winning the Horror-Core Championship in her first match with ECWF.
Demon: Women and Horror-Core Rules! Is there anything better? I do not think so. Anyways those stupid The Dark Society basterds will defend their World Tag Team titles against Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott. I do not like Intergender tag team matches that much but for the love of god someone take those belts from The Dark Society because they are bad for business.
Matt Weiser: Oh come on Demon! But the match that will oocur before that match is a twitter gruge match. This is the first ever one of it's kind and I hope we can use Social Media as a way to make events. The new comer Joseph "Orion" Hunter The headhunter will do battle with a old enemy named Snakebite. Rock N' Roll God said himself he purchased a coffin with the two men on it and plans to put the loser in it.
Demon: Where the hell was this Rock N' Roll God back when I was beating people right & left.
Matt Weiser: I do not know Demon! I haven't been around that much to remember it. Anyways the opening match is going be the Nex*Gen Championship as Marco Rossi will defend his belt against ECWF's head of Social Media aka "Pretty" Ricky Stanton! So it is going to be fun to watch.
Demon: Yeah I am gettitng word that the hometown man is going to be out here giving the Ireland crowd something to remember since he is not going to be booked.
Matt Weiser: Yeah it is going to happen in a few minutes so lets get ready.
(The scene goes to the entrance ramp.)
The Dragon Clan's Opening Speech
(The fans are already at dull roar, highly anticipating the World War 4 event and the Wartime Rumble matches to take place there. The ring announcer enters the ring and takes the microphone up with a smile on their face, the murmurs rising up all around the ring.)
Julia Mexican: Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME to World War 4!
(Massive cheers from the Irish fans!)
Julia Mexican: Tonight, 20 women and 30 men will enter this ring in separate matches with the winners getting a shot at the World Women’s and World Heavyweight Championships respectively!
(Another uproar from the rowdy fans from the Emerald Isle. There’s some chants starting up in the crowd but with so many it’s hard to center on which one is most prominent.)
Julia Mexican: But at this moment… please join us in welcoming Dublin’s own…
(Knowing who she means right from the get, a ‘DRA-GON!’ chant starts up!)
Julia Mexican: ...the reigning, defending and undisputed ECWF World Heavyweight Champion… the Irish Dragon… ERIC DONAVAN!
(”Dragonfly” by Shaman’s Harvest kicks up and the fans start singing right along with the rock theme as Eric comes out onto the stage in a gray suit, an emerald tie and the title over his shoulder. Right up by his side come Samantha Tolson, the Horror-Core Champion, her wife Katie Anderson and the World Women’s Champion, Lyra LeVeux-Donavan. The reaction is near-deafening and even despite his harsh mood these days, Eric can’t help but take a moment to soak it in. After a moment, he makes his way down to the ring, holding the ropes for the ladies before entering himself, adjusting the title over his shoulder and accepting the microphone from the announcer. It takes a moment for the crowd to die down enough for him to be heard and, well, he’s in no hurry to stop them!)
Eric Donavan: There is NOTHING like being back home again! If I could bottle this place up and take it with me, I’d do it in a heartbeat! After all… you can’t get much closer to Heaven than right here in Dublin!
(Sure, it’s a cheap pop, but the hometown champion has earned that right. His tone gets serious, though.)
Eric Donavan: And if there’s one thing we Irish do better than damn near anything else, it’s fight. For anything. For anyone. You’ll might knock us down, but you’ll never keep us down. That’s a hard lesson that the ECWF has had to learn since I first signed here… and two title reigns, video games, magazines and all else later… well, there’s still some non-believers out there, hard as that is to believe.
(Cutting that famous Donavan Smirk, the crowd starts to boo… not at Eric, but at the aforementioned disbelievers. He chuckles as he brings the mic back up.)
Eric Donavan: That’s why I’m here tonight. Not just because I’m champion and because I wouldn’t miss a chance to be out here in front of my people, but because the Wartime Rumble is an event that separates the good from the great and the present from the future. Thirty men are going to be battling it out for a shot at me and this ten pounds of gold. Men like Hammerstein… Forge Mitchell… Seth Iser… Konrad Raab… that sawn-off little asshole Dan Dream… and many more. Some I know, some I don’t. Some I’ve fought, some I’ve beaten. And when the smoke clears, we’ll be nearly ready to roll into Starrcade where, once again, I’ll step up to put this belt on the line.
(Holding it up for a moment earns some cheers, from the fans as well as the rest of Team Dragon Suplex.)
Eric Donavan: But that’s hardly all. Twenty women are also going to be battling to see who takes on my lovely wife for her title… fighting to be the first to beat her in an ECWF ring. The Shieldmaidens, Keira Johnson, Roxi Johnson, Dazi Miyashita, Amy Jo Smyth… all of them and more. I just hope they know what they’re getting into…
(Grinning, Lyra holds her belt up high, patently daring someone to come and take it. She soon settles, though, and drapes the title over her shoulder.)
Eric Donavan: Even Sam here will be doing some damage, putting her Horror-Core Title on the line against Eavan Maloney… and rest assured that that’s one you’re going to want to watch closely.
(Sam nods in agreement, patting the gold around her waist while Katie drapes an arm around her, pumping up her wife and lover. Eric nods to the three of them before facing the camera again.)
Eric Donavan: And if that doesn’t make it clear to you that it’s Team Dragon Suplex who are the pinnacle of this company… then you’re not paying attention. Tonight, wrestlers from across the world and multiple companies converge just for a shot at us, putting it all on the line for a crack at the gold we’ve held in a deathgrip since time immemorial. We offer respect to those who have stepped up and look forward to seeing what they can do, but remember this: tonight? Tonight is the easy part. Win, and you enter the ring with the Dragon, the Wolf and the Fated Lovers… and once you’re there, there’s no going back.
(It is “Reise, Reise” by Rammstein that starts up now, the theme of Team Dragon Suplex. The hold their belts up as one, making a visual and physical statement to kick off World War 4!)
Nex*Gen Championship: Marco Rossi (c) w/Ashton Rossi vs. "Pretty" Ricky Stanton
Julia Mexican: This is the first match of the night. It is set for....
Ireland Crowd: ONE FALL!
Julia Mexican: With a 20 minute time limit. First to the ring. He is a member of THE LEGENDS OF PAIN! He is accompanied by his wife Ashton Rossi. He is from Tampa, Florida.He is the "Falming Youth" MARCO ROSSI
(The lights go out and then fire comes out on the ramp as "Man on Fire" plays and Marco & Ashton comes out and makes a pose. The fans go absolutely wild. They go to the ring, Marco slides underneath the bottom rope as Ahston stays on the outside, and Marco raises his arms and fire comes behind him. Referee Salty McGee checks him.)
Julia Mexican: Now his opponent. He is the captain of TEAM PRETTY. He is the head of ECWF's Social Media. He is from Richmond, Virginia. He is "Pretty" RICKY STANTON!!
(Ladies in white gowns line the ramp...)
"Some legends are told"
"Some turn to dust or to gold"
"But you will remember me"
"Remember me, for centuries"
"Just one mistake"
"Is all it will take"
"We'll go down in history"
"Remember me for centuries"
"Remember me for centuries"
(Pyros hit all over the arena as "Pretty" Ricky Stanton steps out onto the ramp in a glittering robe with the letters "PRS" on the back. He stops and spins around as the crowd boos loudly...He smiles as he walks down ringside....He takes his robe off and rolls under the ropes, stand up in the middle of the ring with his hands out talking smack to the crowd. Referee Salty McGee checks him and after that signals for the bell.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Marco and Ricky meet in the center of the ring. Marco extends his hand for a code of honor but Ricky smacks Marco's hand away.
Matt Weiser: What no honor?
Demon: He has came to us through the world of twitter. I doubt there is no honor in that place.
Marco looks mad and hits a savate punch to Ricky, stragger Ricky to the ropes but Ricky comes back with a hard running clothesline. Ricky has a smile on his face as Marco falls to the mat. Ricky is just not taking Marco seriously as Marco immediately gets to his feet and hits Ricky with a standing dropkick right to Ricky's jaw. When Ricky falls to the mat Marco covers.
.Kick out!
Matt Weiser: It is going to take more than a dropkick to win this match and retain the title there Marco Rossi.
Demon: He is called Flaming Youth for making youth dumbass decisions!
Ricky is still down so Marco hits a standing elbow drop on Ricky. Marco goes for another cover.
Kick out!
Marco gets to his feet and hits a standing shooting star press followed by another cover.
.Power Kick out!
Matt Weiser: Forcing the big man to kick out repeatively may not work as much as Marco Rossi thinks.
Marco is standing his back to Ricky and Ricky just pushes Marco and Marco tembles out of the ring. Ricky is laughing as he gets up and climb through the ropes following Marco. Ricky picks up Marco and sends him to the barracade. The referee starts to count.
.1 ..2
Demon: The fans are getting a closer look at the guys.
Matt Weiser: Didn't you ever fight in the crowd.
Demon: Yes that was my go to move.
As Marco is leaning on the barracade Ricky does a series of kicks to Marco.
...3 ....4
Ricky then seds Marco into the steel steps.
.....5 ......6
Ricky then lifts up Marco and throws him over the top rope into the ring.
Ricky slides back into the ring. Marco is getting to his feet as Ricky gets to his. Ricky charges and hits a flying elbow on Marco sending him back to the corner. Seeing that Ricky charges again and hits a stinger splash to Marco. Marco falls to his knees then facedown on the mat. Ricky goes for a cover but as the referee is down Ricky puts his feet on the bottom ropes.
.1 ..2 ...The referee notices the feet on ropes.
Demon: Man Ricky is Pretty! Pretty bad at cheating.
As both men get up. Marco runs over to the top turnbuckle, flys, and gets caught trying to do a diving crossbody. Ricky caught Marco and lands a running shoulderbreaker. Ricky does a little flashy dance and lands a hard elbow drop.
Matt Weiser: The Drop, Pop, & Lock It Elbow!
Ricky immediately covers.
.1 ..2 .Kick out!
Marco & Ricky get to their feet. Marco charges and lands a crossbody block on Ricky. Marco goes over and lands a rolling thunder senton. Marco lands a standing moonsault.
Matt Weiser: What a series of moves.
Demon: Bunch of flippy shit to me.
As Ricky gets up Marco hits a trouble in paradise kick to Ricky's head.
Matt Weiser: Marco Rossi calls that Kick of Flames!
Ricky rolls to the ropes as he was falling.
Demon: Smart ring awareness.
Marco goes over to Ricky and Ricky connects with a cheap eye poke. As Marco is somewhat blind. Ricky gets up and hits a standing suplex Ricky then does a kick up to get to his feet. Marco gets up and Ricky hits a samoan drop. Ricky then goes to the turnbuckle and awaits for Marco to get up. Marco gets up and Ricky hits a diving crossbody. Marco pushed Ricky off of him and Ricky rolls to the ropes. Ricky gets up and hits a eye rake to Marco. Marco straggers around and Ricky lands a hard spinebuster.
Matt Weiser: What a display of power!
As Marco gets to his feet. Ricky goes behind and lands a reverse DDT!
Matt Weiser: The Pretty Boy Drop!
Ricky covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Ricky is shocked by that kick out. Marco gets up and connects with a left leg roundhouse kick. As Ricky gets to his feet Marco hits a savate punch. Then another and another. Ricky is straggering a bit and Marco lands a Tiger Spin into STO!
Matt Weiser: Fire Spin!
Ricky is slowly getting to his feet and Marco goes to the ropes and jumps back to land a satellite DDT. Marco covers.
Matt Weiser: Firestarter!
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Both men get to their feet and they are both tired. Ricky charges and hits a float over DDT followed by a kip-up . Marco gets to his feet and hits a right leg roundhouse kick. Both men get to their feet and Ricky pulls referee Salty McGee to him as Marco was charging. Marco stops and Ricky kicks Marco in the nuts while the referee is distracted..
Demon: Dick Kick City!
Ireland Crowd: BOO!
As Marco is hunched over. Ricky lifts him up and hits a gory neckbreaker.
Matt Weiser: Doom Crown!
Ricky covers.
.1 ..2 ...3!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and new Nex*Gen Champion, "Pretty" Ricky Stanton!!
("Centuries" plays and Ricky Stanton is celebrating in the ring as the referee hands him the Nex*Gen Championship. The crowd is booing him as he holds the Nex*Gen title above his head.)

"Twitter" Grudge Match: Joseph "Orion" Hunter vs. Snakebite
Matt Weiser: What a first ever "Twitter" Grudge match. From what I am told it is a no DQ match. There has to be a pinfall in the ring.
Demon: See this right here is ECWF changing with the times for the better.
Julia Mexican: This is a "Twitter" Grudge match! It is set for one fall with no disqualification.....but the pinfall or submission must happen in the ring. This is a first of many matches that will happen this way. On his way to the ring, He is a newcomer to ECWF. He is apart of the #CHROMEDRAGONS! He is Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He is JOSEPH "Orion" HUNTER!!
(As "Sick Of It" by Skillet starts up over the PA system, a fog appears at the top of the ramp. A silhouette can be seen from behind the thick smoke. It stays still before slowly raising its right hand high up into the air.)
(When the 0:31-0:32 mark hits, "No one can make this better./Take control, it's now or never." part of the song, a spotlight shines down and reveals the figure is Joseph "Orion" Hunter.)
(He walks confidently down the ramp, high-fiving some of the fans on the way down. He tends to enter through the middle ropes, though he will occasionally step over the top every now and again. Typically when he's especially infuriated or eager, if not sometimes both. He climbs up one of the turnbuckles, staring out at the crowd and re-raises his right fist high up into the air. Orion stays put, taking in the audience and their reactions before jumping down and handing the referee his Chrome Dragon vest. Referee Nick Pack is in the ring with him.)
Julia Mexican: Now it is his opponent. A man that is not known to ECWF. He is known throughout the world simply as SNAKEBITE!
(The titantron reveals the name "Snakebite", as the lights begin to flicker like a strobe light.)
"Knock knock, let the devil in"
(Snakebite steps out from behind the curtains, wearing an armless dark green leather vest with small spikes on it. He stands on the stage with his signature evil smirk, looking around the arena at the booing fans.)
(Snakebite begins slowly walking down the ramp looking around the arena still, taking in all the heat. As he gets to the ring, he rolls in and gets to one knee, as he looks around the arena still with his evil smirk. The lights then return to normal, and he gets to his feet. Referee Nick Pack is in the ring and signals for the match to begin.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Joseph lands a clothesline on Snakebite to start it.
Demon: No code of honor for this match because this is grudge style baby.
Matt Weiser: What is with you and danger matches?
Demon: It's just my thing Mattie. I can not believe you do not know that by now.
Joseph awaits for Snakebite to get to his feet and Joseph goes for a spinebuster but Snakebite hits a DDT counter.
Matt Weiser: These two know each other and now they are bringing their history here to ECWF.
Snakebite demonically poses for the crowd and the crowd is not having it.
Demon: I like this dude. I hope he decides to stay with us. I am enjying his work.
Snakebite hits a running dropkick and does a kneeling arm stretched pose. As Joseph is down, Snakebite does a running curb stomp to back of the Joseph's head.
Matt Weiser: What a curb stomp!
As Joseph is down and rolls over to the ropes. Snakebite goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair outside of the ring. Snakebite puts the chair in the corner and see Joseph coming too. Jospeh hits enzuigiri to Snakebite. Snakebite doesn't fall though, Snakebite is out on his feet. Joseph lands a snap suplex on Snakebite with Snakebite's left leg hitting the chair.
Matt Weiser: Snakebite's plan back fired!
Demon: Not good!
Joseph locks in a ankle lock to that hurt leg of Snakebite.
... ... Snakebites crawls to the outside of the ring.
Both men tumble to the outside of the ring. Joseph is the first to his feet and he drags up Snakebite. Joseph brings Snakebite over to the Irish broadcast table that is right next to Demon & Matt.
Demon: Our Irish broadcasting buddies are getting a treat.
Matt Weiser: Their table may get destroyed.
Demon: Never said it was a treat for them.
Joseph hits a hard elbow strike to Snakebite and Snakebite falls onto the irsh broadcast team table. As Snakebite is down, Joseph goes to the ring. Joseph gets onto the turnbuckle, Joseph flys and hits a elbow drop driving Snakebite through the table.
Demon: I was right that was a treat.
Matt Weiser: You are a mad man Demon!
The referee is counting.
.1 ..2 ...3 ....4
Joseph gets up to his feet.
Joseph picks up Snakebite and rolls him back into the ring. Joseph slides into the ring. Joseph covers.
.1 ..2 .Kick out!
Joseph is shocked because he looked as if that was his best shot. Joseph gets to his feet and picks up Snakebite. Both men are on their feet. Snakebite wiggles free and sends Joseph into the corner head first into the chair. Snakebite hits a tiger bomb but didn't land it enough to hook for a pin. Joseph rolls to the ropes. Snakebite is upset that Joseph gotten away. Joseph & Snakebite are on their feet. Snkebite hits a Jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick. Joseph rolls to the ropes again and Snakebite goes over to follow.
Matt Weiser: Snakebite called that Tiger Bomb Venom Injection!
Joseph hits a punch to Snakebite's face. Joseph follows with 3 more punches straggering Snakebite backwards. Joseph lands a spear knocking both men down on the mat. Both men get to their feet and Joseph hits a white noise onto Joseph's knee.
Matt Weiser: Bow Press!
Joseph goes for a cover.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Demon: Joseph Hunter is pulling moves out of his move pole to put away Snakebite.
Joseph & Snakebite get to their feet. Snakebite sends Joseph into the corner and Snakebite runs and hits a forearm smash into the corner of Joseph.
Demon: Sam Hane right there. That is a beautiful move.
Matt Weiser: Calling moves is my job.
Demon: I used to do it myself so I know what he is doing.
Snakebite sends Joseph down to the mat. Snakebite gets to the top rope and connects with a 450 splash.
Matt Weiser: Snakebite is pulling high flying moves to put Joseph Hunter away.
Snakebite covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Snakebite & Joseph are tired from all the moves. Both men get to their feet and Snakebite charges, Joseph lands flajack counter and Snakebite is holding his nose. The referee checks him but no bleeding. Joseph hits a running knee strike straggering Joseph lifts Snakebite onto his shoulders with Snakebite's back is on Joseph's shoulders. Joseph flips Snakebite and connects with a burning hammer.
Matt Weiser: TRUE STRIKE!
Demon: That should do it.
Joseph covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Joseph is shocked that it didn't work. Both men are too their feet and they are tired. Joseph runs over and Snakebite hits a sitout side chokeslam on Joseph. Snakebite goes for a cover.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Snakebite is shocked by that being not enough.
Joseph & Snakebite get to their feet and Joseph hits a elbow strike straggering Snakebite a bit. Joseph hits a falcon arrow. Joseph rolls through and picks Snakebite up onto his shoulders. Joseph hits a go to sleep.
Matt Weiser: Gutshot!
Joseph covers.
.1 .Kick out!
Matt Weiser: Why the hell was that a quick kick out.
Snakebite rolls to the outside and gets a nearby kendo stick. Joseph goes over and Snakebite hits Joseph in the head. Snakebite gets up and hooks Joseph up for the tiger bomb with the kendo stick. Snakebite goes to lift and Joseph counters and wacks Snakebite in the gut. Joseph hits another go to sleep. Joseph covers.
.1 ..2 ...3!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match Joseph "Orion" Hunter!!
(As the referee is raising the hand of Joseph Hunter. These guys comes walking down to the ring pushing a casket. Rock N' Roll God is leading the way with a microphone in hand. )
Rock N' Roll God: Now that we are here and I went forward and bought this thing. It is your decision to put in this body called Snakebite. Your choice my friend. I"ll head to the back.
(Rock N' Roll God & the guys leaves the casket at the side of the ring. Joseph Hunter is standing over the fallen Snakebite. Joseph Hunter smiles and rolls Snakebite to the casket and slams the lid down.)

2019 Hall of Fame Class Announcement
(The scene goes to Crystal Miller and Bill Jean standing in the back. Bill Jean is the first to talk.)
Bill Jean: Welcome everyone to World War 4 PPV over here in Croke Park Stadium in Dublin, Ireland! My name is Bill Jean I am head ECWF Interviewer.
Crystal Miller: I am Crystal Miller and I am a female interviewer along with "Edge of a REVOLUTION recap show" Host! We are here tonight to announce the first group of 2019 Hall of Fame Class!
Bill Jean: Thank you Crystal but I will announce the first one! He is a man that headline StarrCade XII! He won the Nex*Gen title. He co-won the World 6-Man Tag Team titles. He competed in the chamber and in the first War Games main event ECWF ever had. He is "The Savage" DANIEL KEEGAN!
(A picture shows up of Daniel Keegan!)

(The crowd goes crazy.)
Crystal Miller: Now I'll handle the second one. He was handed and dubbed the first ever Nex*Gen Champion. He has held Tag Team gold with other legends like Chris Matthews. He also competed in the ever first Chamber of Horrors match back in 2005. He is "The Next Level" DEWAYNE PHILLIPS!
(A picture of DeWayne Phillips shows up.)

(The crowd goes crazy.)
Bill Jean: Now finally for tonight is a man that came to ECWF back in 2017. He competed in the 2017 WarTime Rumble at Friday Night Revolution #125! He held the Nex*Gen Championship. He came 2nd place in the World Heavyweight Championship tournment. He is "The Magnificant Basterd" ARCANE!
(A picture of Arcane shows on the scene.)

(The crowd goes crazy for that.)
Bill Jean: Well that is it for now. Thank you for your time.
Crystal Miller: Yeah thanks.
Bill Jean: We will let you get back to the show.
(The scene ends.)
World Tag Team Championship:The Dark Society (Mr. B & Jeff Williams) (c) vs. The Kingdom (Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott)
Julia Mexican: This is a tag team match set for....
Ireland Crowd: ONE FALL!
Julia Mexican: With a 15 minute time limit. It is for the ECWF World Tag Team Championships. First to the ring. They are the defending World Tag Team Champions. The team of "The Diabiological" MR. B & JEFF WILLIAMS!! THE DARK SOCIETY!!
(The arena goes pitch black and the song "Mouth" by Bush plays. Fire lights up the entrance ramp as Mr. B & Jeff Williams comes walking out. They make their way to ring and enter it. They avoid all contact with the fans. Referee Mark Jenkins checks them.)
Julia Mexican: Now the challengers. They are the team of "Bad Ass" MIKE DIMTER & "The Bombshell" VICTORIA SCOTT! THE KINGDOM!!
Demon: Wait! Wasn't that Daniel Dream's thing!?!
Matt Weiser: Yeah! But Mike & Victoria just pretty much stole the name and using it for their tag team since all those jerks randomly quit ECWF two weeks ago.
Demon: Oh okay! I am still wondering about this decision.
("Cathedral" The Kingdom Theme Song w/Clock Ticking Intro by Phraze and Todd Andrew blasts throughout the arena...."The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott walk out onto the stage as the arena boo them then they walk down the ramp and they climb up onto the apron and they enter the ring. Referee Mark Jenkins checks him and signals for the bell.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Mike & B starts the match for the teams. Mike goes for a code of honor handshake but B didn't want none of that. B runs and hits a running crossbody.
Matt Weiser: Knock it off Demon.
Demon: Why?
B gets up and does a sideheadlock and drags Mike over to their corner and tags Jeff. Jeff does a double axe handle smash. Jeff does a hiptoss to Mike as B leaves the ring. Mike rolls over and tags in Victoria. Victoria charges in and hits Jeff with a shoulder block. Jeff straggers backwards. Jeff bounces off of the ropes and Victoria hits a samoan drop.
Demon: What power from Victoria Scott.
Matt Weiser: It is why she is called The Bombshell.
Jeff gets up and looks upset that a women got the best of him. Jeff hits Victoria with knee lift and Jeff follows that with a snap scoop powerslam. Jeff follows that with a jumping elbow drop. Jeff goes for a cover.
.1 ..Kick out!
Matt Weiser: Series of moves and still no pinfall.
Jeff tags in B. B gets on the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody onto Victoria but she caught him. As B is on Victora's shoulders and Victoria rearranges B around and hits a powerbomb she holds the legs for a cover..
.1 ..Kick out!
Demon: This girl's power is unmatched.
B rolls over and tags Jeff, Jeff runs in and hits a running big boot to Victoria's head. Victoria falls back and Mike tags himself in. Matt hitsa running big boot of his own and Jeff no sells it. Jeff screams.
Jeff Williams: Again!
Mike runs and hits a clothesline but Jeff is no selling that. Mike does another big boot and Jeff goes to the ropes. As Jeff comes back Mike hits a exploder suplex.
Matt Weiser: Mike is feeling it with that seris of moves.
Mike goes behind Jeff, as Jeff was getting to his feet. Mike locks in in the rolling cutter, but B comes flying in and hits a dropkick on Mike sending him down. B screams.
Mr. B That's my MOVE!
Victoria comes into the ring, and hits a double arm suplex on B sending him out of the ring. Jeff sends Victoria over the top rope out to the floor. Referee was checking Victoria because she landed hard. Mike gets to his feet. Jeff kicks him in the nuts and does a powerbomb. Jeff covers as the referee turns around.
.1 ..2 ...3!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winners of the match and still World Tag Team Champions, "The Diabiological" Mr. B & Jeff Williams! The Dark Society!!
(Mr. B & Jeff Williams gets handed the World Tag Team titles. They celebrate in the ring showing how dominate they truly are.)
Horror-Core Championship: Samantha Tolson(c) vs. Eavan Maloney
Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the Horror-Core Championship match. This match is under Horror-Core Rules meaning no disqualifications, no count-outs, and anywhere falls. First to the ring. She is one-third of TEAM DRAGON SUPLEX. She is from Jefferson City, Missouri. She is the "Queen of Suplexes" SAMANTHA TOLSON-ANDERSON!!
("Release The Panic" by RED plays and Samantha Tolson-Anderson comes walking out together. They are holding hands. The crowd is booing them. They walk down the ramp towards the ring. Dick Devereaux suicide dives knocking both females down. He scares off Katie Tolson back to the top of the entrance ramp and then rolls Samantha Tolson into the ring. Referee Julie McNaly is standing by.)
Julia Mexican: And her opponent. She comes from Queen City, New Jersey. She stands at 5 feet tall. She is EAVAN MALONEY!!
(On the tron, a heart starts to beat before it cracks, before falling to pieces in a puddle of blood. The beginning of "So Far Under" plays as Eavan Maloney walks out under her new transformation.)
"I survive on the scraps you don't burn
Maybe love's something I'll never learn
This whole house of cards crumbling slow
If I disappear, would you even know?"
(Eavan raises one black gloved fist in the air, smirking at the crowd. She walks down the ramp slowly, slapping hands with the occasional fan, staring straight ahead, her intensity peaking.)
The trap is time and no one gets off of this ride alive
The trap is time and no one gets off of this ride alive
(Upon sliding under the bottom rope, Eavan looks out at the fans, nodding, pacing around the ring slowly and methodically waiting for the bell to sound. The referee gets hands the Horror-Core Championship and shows it to Eavan Maloney. The belt is handed off and referee Julie McNally singals for the bell.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Demon: Man this is gonna be a good one they been talking alot of trash on social media about how they are going to bring the house down.
Matt Weiser: I know and we stil have two rumbles after this to do.
Demon: I know Matt this is nutz!
Eavan & Samantha shake each other's hand to start the match. Eavan & Samantha do a collar&elbow tieup. Samantha pushes Eavan down to her butt. Eavan gets right back up and hits Samantha with a forearm smash. The two women exchange punches and forearm smashes. Each landing about 6 apiece. Eavan blocks a punch from Samantha and lands a belly-to-belly suplex.
Demon: What I thought my home-girl is the only one to do suplexes.
Matt Weiser: The suplex is the most common damn move in wrestling a toddler can do that.
Demon: But that is what Samantha Tolson-Anderson is known for around here.
Samantha is shocked by these as she gets to her feet. Eavan has a cocky smile on her face about it. Samantha runs and Eavan runs out of the ring. The two chase each other around the ring. Eavan slides into the ring and as Samantha follows Eavan hits a step-up enziguri. Samantha staggers a bit and Eavan hits a slap to Samantha's face. Eavan follows that up with a snap vertical suplex. Eavan covers.
.1 ..Power Kick out!
Samantha is upset seeing someone do suplexes here in ECWF. Samantha gets up and lands a exploder suplex hard on Eavan.
Demon: Ok here we go things are back to normal. 1!
Eavan is straggering to get up so Samantha goes and grabs her. Samantha lifts Eavan and lands a release overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Demon: 2!
Samantha is just feeling the anger so she full nelson picks up Eavan and lands a hard release Dragon Suplex.
Demon: 3!
As Eavan gets to her feet. Samantha is stalking Eavan and lands a Tazzmission suplex.
Demon: 4!
Matt Weiser: Samantha Tolson-Anderson calls that Nightfall!
Samantha covers.
.1 ..Kick out!
Samantha is screaming for Eavan to get to her feet. Eavan does and hits a big boot to Samantha as Samantha was approaching. Eavan takes that chance and locks in a rolling armbar to Samantha is the center of the ring.Samantha immediately wiggles herself to the outside of the mat. Samantha grabs as kendo stick that wasn't well hidden from before. Samantha smacks Eavan with it hard as Eavan made her way out of the ring.
Matt Weiser: Oh yeah! I forgot this was a Horror-Core Rules match. With all the actual wrestling.
Eavan is hunched over and Samantha strikes Eavan right in the back with it again. Samantha throws down the stick and rolls into the ring. Samantha runs to opposite ropes and on her way back she jumps over the top rope to hit a pescado.
Ireland Crowd: That was Aeesome! That was Awesome! That was Awesome!
Samantha & Eavan get up and Samantha hits a exploder suplex but Eavan's leg hits the barracade. Eavan is holding her leg as Samantha goes for another move but Eavan pulls Samantha's pants and Samantha hits face first into the barracde. Both women make it to their feet and Samantha sends Eavan to the corner barracade. Samantha and hits a hard lariat knocking Eavan over it into the crowd.
Ireland Crowd: This is Awesome! This is Awesome! This is Awesome!
Demon: The Ireland crowd is getting a show tonight.
Smantha gets over to chase her and the two share a series of punches back & forth throughout the crowd. They get over to where some of the crowd is divine and Eavan does a front landing suplex but Samantha's gut lands on a divider and Samantha hangs for a bit. Eavan then charge and hits a running dropkick to Samantha's back. Samantha flips forward to the ground. Eavan goes for a cover.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Eavan grabs Samantha by the hair and drags her back to the ring. Eavan throws Samantha over the barracade and follows her. Eavan then goes and pulls back some of the floor matting.
Demon: Someone get me some damn popcorn because this is gonna be fun to watch.
Eavan is setting Samantha up for a DDT on the now exposed concrete floor. Samantha counters and lands a release fisherwomnen's suplex.
Demon: That is 5! and Oh my God! I can not believe that just didn't kill Eavan Maloney.
Smantha pulls on Eavan's hair a bit to help her get up. Samantha rolls back into the ring and runs to the ropes. Samantha comes back for a suicide diva but Eavan hand found a nearby chair and hit Smantha with it in mid flight. Eavan helps Samantha get up and hooks her up for a belly-to-back suplex. Eavan lays Samantha across a nearby barracade right in front of fans. Eavan starts doing a series of double axe handle smashes to Samantha's stomach. 3 of them. Samantha racks Eavan's eye to stop it. Samantha gets down and hits a rolling belly-to-belly suplex to Eavan landing on the concrete again. Samantha covers this time.
.1 ..2 .Kick out!
Matt Weiser: Why didn't that B2B Suplex put Eavan Maloney down?
Demon: She may look pretty but she is tough.
Both women get up and go to to different sections of the ring. First Eavan throws the chair she used on Samantha into the ring and Samantha threw in the kendo stick. Eavan gets up and pulls out a table, Samantha pulled out a ladder. Eavan slides the table in and Samantha slide the ladder in. Eavan then throws a trash can & lid into the ring. Samantha found Irish road signs. Then the two just throw in several chairs at least 4 a piece.
Matt Weiser: Look at that ring!
Demon: I am and I am in love!
Both women immediately slide into the ring and they start hair pull close punching each other repeatively as they get to their feet. Samantha breaks lose and pushes Eavan to the corner and follows that with a machine style knife-edge chops. Then follows that with a bunch of stiff kicks by either leg.
Matt Weiser: Knife-Edge chops follow by Ode to Japan!
Samantha stops and Eavan falls to her knees, That is when Samantha hits a running knee strike to Eavan's face.
Matt Weiser: Mind Your Head!
Eavan falls to her back and Samantha covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Demon: Oh my God! What is it gonna take. Eavan Maloney is a survivor.
Samantha pulls Eavan up and Eavan goes behind and does a german suplex and holds for a quick pin.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Both women get up and are tired. Samantha gets her kendo stick and Eavan grabs a chair and the two have a stand off. Samantha swings but Eavan swings too. The hit forces Samantha to drop the kendo and then Eavan hits Samantha in the gut, Smantha drops to her knees and Eavan hits Samantha in the back with the chair and Samantha falls to the mat. Eavan slams the chair down and goes to set up the table. Eavan does it quickly and Eavan gets Samantha and goes to do another german suplex with Samantha's back landing into the table. Samantha blocks it and Samantha goes for another tazzmission suplex but Eavan stops that.
Matt Weiser: Who's going through that table.
Demon: I don't know but the supense is killing me.
Samantha trys for it again and Eavan grabs the nearby trash can lid and smacks Samantha in the head with it. Samantha falls onto the table back first. Table doesn't break. Eavan goes to the nearby top turnbuckle and she lands a corkscrew 630 senton and crashes the table to pieces.
Matt Weiser: Eavan Maloney calls that The Turnpike!
Eavan draps her arm across Samantha and covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Eavan is shocked to see that it didn't work. Eavan pulls Samantha up by the hair and Samantha breaks free and lands a trapper keeper bomb in the center of the ring on the pile of chairs. Eavan rolls to far away and Samantha is too tired to get to her.
Matt Weiser: A Victory Drop!
Demon: Oh my my my! I love this match.
Ireland Crowd: Fight Forever! Fight Forever! Fight Forever!
Demon: Yes yes! Fight forever.Eavan did something smart by rolling away.
Samantha & Eavan get to their knees slowly and the two start to exchange chops. Until Eavan gets up and as she goes for a running kick Samantha back suplex Eavan onto the pile of chairs again. Eavan does sell it and gets up to land a single leg takedown to Samantha on the chair and locks in a single leg boston crab.
Matt Weiser: The energy is pumping through that 5 foot woman and now she has Samantha Tolson-Anderson in the center of the ring in a single leg boston crab.
Samantha grabs the trash can and wacks Eavan the back of the head. Eavan straggers and Samantha hits her again the trapper keeper bomb. Samantha covers.
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Ireland Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!
Demon: What!
Samantha and the crowd is in shock that that didn't put Eavan away. Samantha pulls Eavan up and lands a gutwrench suplex.
Demon: 6!
Samantha hits a chickenwing suplex on Eavan.
Demon: 7!
Samantha goes for a move allowing Eavan to get her feet. Eavan grabs the road sign and hits Samantha in the head with it. Eavan then lands a double knee facebuster on Samantha. Samantha falls and Eavan covers.
Matt Weiser: The New Jersey Makeover!
.1 ..2 ...Kick out!
Demon: What!
Eavan can not believe that it didn't put Samantha down. Eavan sends Samantha to the corner and makes her sit down. Eavan gets the trash can places it onto Samantha's head. Eavan runs over and gets a chair. Eavan goes to the nearby corner.
Demon: OMG! Are we seeing a Coast-to-Coast Trash Can Steel Chair smash!
Matt Weiser: Hey Demon that is my job to call the moves.
Eavan gets to the top turnbuckle and Samantha gets up and hits Eavan with the trash can. Eavan drops to the top turnbuckle on her butt and throws the chair to the outside. Samantha positions herself to do superplex from the inside to the outside. Eavan blocks and sends Samantha to the outside floor. Samantha lands on her back. Eavan again does the corkscrew 630 senton from the inside to outside on top of Samantha,
Matt Weiser: The Turnike again.
Eavan signals for Samantha to get up. Samantha finaly gets up and Eavan hits the double knee facebuster on Samantha again. Samantha is down and Eavan covers.
Demon: We can have a new champion.
Matt Weiser: The NJ Makeover to the ring floor.
.1 ..2 ...3!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and new ECWF Horror-Core Champion, Eavan Maloney!!
(Eavan Maloney is shocked that she beat Samantha Tolson-Anderson. Eavan Maloney decided to pick up Samantha Tolson-Anderson and is hugging her for the fight that she brought. The referee Julie McNally hands Eavan Maloney the Horror-Core Championship and Eavan Maloney celebrates outside of the ring.)

2019 20 females WarTime Rumble
Dazi Miyashita vs. Ophelia Blaque-Donnely vs. Kitty Petrova vs. Saint Ina vs. Amy Jo Smyth vs. Aerynn Maguire vs. Roxi Johnson vs. Keira Fisher-Johnson vs. Serena vs. Crystal Zdunich vs. Jana Rikar vs. AmberLynn Hardin vs. RJ Mitchell vs. Sativa Nevaeh vs. Katie Tolson vs. ???(Jasmine Matthews) vs. Marisol Hawkes vs. Courtney Steele vs. Mercedes Vargas vs. ???(LEGION)
Julia Mexican: This match is the 2019 female WarTIme Rumble. the people who picked #1 & #2 start the match. ever 90 seconds a new person will come down til all 20 females come out. Way to be eliminated it must go over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. The winner of the event will challenge for the Women's Championship at StarrCade XIII! ....
(Just as Julia Mexican was talking all of a sudden you hear "Cry Little Sister vs. Hello Zepp" by Celldweller playing. Lyra LeVeux-Donavan is standing at the entrance ramp. You see she is wearing the Women's Championship. Then you see a podium next to her with a red blanket. Lyra has a mic in hand. She starts to talk.)
Lyra LeVeux-Donavan: Welcome everyone to the event that is happening because of me! ECWF is so hard in finding me challengers that they devised a way to give 20 females a chance to face me.
(Lyra LeVeux-Donavan kinda gets boos for these cocky remarks.)
Lyra LeVeux-Donavan: And for what. Some little white diamond title that I have to create a logo on the side of to showoff beauty. Well ECWF's Women Division isn't about beauty anymore past females Dangerous Deanna, Morgan Alvertez, and Madison Murdock may have been tough but looked beautiful mostly. I am here to set the record straight that beauty is not the only thing we women bring to the ring. So I got here in the ECWF Marketing department to create a belt. It won't just be for me. If I ever lose this belt the next one in line just keeps it. This belt needs to match my husband's in look and feel. I just do not feel this white strap diamond incrusted belt is gonna do that anymore. So here is what I got for the World to look at.
(Lyra LeVeux-Donavan pulls off the blanket to reveal.)

Lyra LeVeux-Donavan: This is the new ECWF Womens Championship belt. No we aren't restarting the belt where I am the first ever champion. I want the past to be honored by this. This new look is to make this belt more legit and not just some barbie doll accessory. So I hoep you females enjoy the look and enjoy the event. May the best female win so I can have some dam challenge for once.
(Lyra LeVeux-Donavan picks up the new belt and hands her old belt over to a stagehand. Lyra LeVeux-Donavan heads to the back holding the belt. The scene goes back to Julia Mexican.)
Julia Mexican: Now with that out of the way. It is time for the 2019 20 female WarTime Rumble match.
("Of Angels" by The Cruxsahdows hits the PA. Dazi comes out, smiling at the crowd and soaking it all in.)
Julia Mexican: Entering at number one, hailing from Lubbock Texas, DAZI MIYASHIYA!!
(She is making her way down the ramp, giving hi-fives to the crowd. She is soaking the music in, psyching herself u pas she stands at the bottom of the ramp, staring at the ring. She climbs onto the apron then does her signature splits getting in the ring as she does with a smile on her face.)
Julia Mexican: Now it is time welcome the female that enters at number 2. She is apart of THE SHIELDMAIDENS! She is repping our company Extreme Championship Wrestling Federation! She is OPHELIA "Widow" BLAQUE-DONNELY!
(The arena goes completely black. Appearing on the tron is the Shieldmaiden’s motto: “Hell is Empty and the Maidens are here.” Then what sounds like an old TV turning on comes over the PA system.)
“Yes, the dangerous black widow is to be approached with caution, as the black widow’s bite can cause death.
The black widow is easily recognized by her coal black body and purple hourglass marking.
She encases her victims with silk and then kills with poison from her fangs.
The male spider is not considered to be dangerous..”
(The music starts at the :44 mark. And a mixture of purple and white lights begin to flash around the arena.)
“Dangerous, da-da-dangerous.
Dangerous, d-d-d-d-dangerous.”
(At the :52 mark, the music starts up full force.)
“Hey Lady Killa, Come Right In.”
(At this point a spotlight shines on the platform and shows Ophelia Donnelly, known as “Widow”. She’s dressed in a pair of black kee-high boots, black denim short and a dark purple Shieldmaidens midriff baring tank top. Her black and purple hair is pulled back into pony-tail. Moving in to stand behind and to the side of her is Aoife “Banshee” Maguire and “Psycho” Saoirse Maguire.)
“I-i-i-it’s time for you, let the show begin.
You’re so pretty, dripping sin.
I-I you feeling it? I-I you feeling it?
Your eyes are screaming, I take the stage.”
(At this mark, she and the Maguire sisters start down the ramp to the ring.)
“A-a-a-a-a A fatal dance, a primal rage.
You-you-you You pray for me, unlock the cage.
I-I you feeling it? I-I you feeling it?”
(At the 1:37 mark, they reach the ring and Widow slides right on in while “Psycho” and “Banshee” go ‘round to either side of the ring. Widow moves to one of the corners and climbs up to the second and third buckles and raises her arms. A mixture of boos and cheers are heard.)
“I think you ready, you want a show?
You wanna hear me? G-g-g-good to go!
kill, eat them all, kill, eat them all, ki-ki-kill, eat them all, ki-ki-ki-kill, eat them all
I think you ready, you want a show?
You wanna hear me? G-g-g-good to go.”
(She then moves to the turn diagonal from her. Once again, climbing onto the second and third buckles, spreads her arms out to her sides and sweeps from left to right.)
“So here we are, make your move.
We’re going mad, I’ll help our groove.
(You want control.
You want control, I disapprove.
I-I you feeling it? I-I you feeling it?”
(She moves off these buckles and moves to the hard camera side and slipped between the top and mid ropes, her arms spread wide as she swept from left to right and then up once again.)
“Love me ‘till you’re dead, you will not forget.
You’ll still love me, dead or alive.
dead or alive, dead or alive
Love me ‘till you’re dead, this is what you get.
You’ll still love me, dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive.
The black widow is dangerous, dangerous, d-d-dangerous, 12 times strength of steel, the black widow is dangerous will readily attack…man had much to learn)”
(As the music fades, she moves to the center of the ring, still facing the hard camera as she lifts a hand, palm up, and gives the “bring it on” wave to her opponent. She gets down and the bell sounds.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Ophelia & Dazi locks up. Dazi pushes Ophelia over by the ropes and Dazi immediately throws Ophelia over the top rope onto the floor.
Dazi Miyashita has eliminated Ophelia Blaque-Donnely
Demon: Well that was quick Dazi Miyashita has at least 30 more seconds to wait.
Dazi is standing in the ring. She is proud to have eliminated first one. Dazi is moving back and forth awaiting and it gets down to the final 10 seconds.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ....4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming in at number 3 and repping OCW! KITTY PETROVA!!
(The lights fade to blood red, and the screen comes to life with heavy static, showing a silhouette of a females standing in a barren warehouse, smoking a cigarette. The haunting lyrics of "I Am The Fire" by Halestorm fade up in volume over the sound system, almost drowned out by booing. The scenes flow between shots of Kitty’s life outside the ring, to match footage revealing a dark-haired females beating the holy hell out of both male and female. The veteran herself steps out at the top of the ramp alone, her head bowed with her hair hanging in her face. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she strides purposefully towards the ring, pausing every few feet to glare haughtily at the fans that have the audacity to try and reach out to touch her. She slides under the bottom rope, languidly doing a very cat-like yoga stretch while the crowd showers her with hatred. She seems utterly oblivious although there’s definite malice in her eyes as she pulls her hair back into a messy ponytail, securing it with a plain black elastic band.)
Kitty & Dazi wastes no time in slugging each other to the point Kitty irish whips Dazi and hits her with a chop across the chest. Dazi holds her chest and falls over to the ropes. Kitty tries to pick up Dazi to thorw her out. Kitty is really trying to get Dazi over but Dazi is hanging onto the ropes. The seconds count down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Welcome to the ring. coming in at number 4. SAINT INA!!
on the road
on the road
(A rev of a guitar causes all the lights in the arena to drop out into darkness.)
on the road
on the road
(With that yell the lights suddenly burst into life, which reveals a female in a purple cloak standing on the stage. While only her eyes and mouth could be seen from her hood. Her milky white skin and purple hair making it rather obvious that this person is Saint Ina. Her cloak doesn't cover the front of her attire, a purple one-piece outfit with no sleeves or coverage for the legs, a belt around her waist with PokéBalls on them and a pair of blue boots, as Saint Ina starts to go down the ramp-way. Once arriving the bottom of the ramp a smile appears on Saint Ina's face as she raises her hood up and off, revealing not only her face but also a red gem that is on her forehead. Once she reveals her face The Emo Princess moves up the steps and gets onto the apron before bending over the middle rope to enter the ring. Once inside the ring Saint Ina proceeds to take off her cloak, revealing the back of her outfit to any potential man in the crowd tonight as she neatly folds her cloak up and places it on the ropes nearest her. Right afterwards she bounces over to the ropes opposite, stepping one foot on the bottom rope while stepping the other on the middle rope and takes her Pokéball off before lifting it up in the air.)
Saint runs down to the ring. Saint slides underneath the bottom rope. Kitty sees this and lets Dazi go and hits Saint with a high running knee. Kitty hits a bunch of clubs to back. Dazi gets down and hits Saint with a running dropkick sending Saint to the ropes. Kitty hits Saint with a running clothesline sending her out of the ring to the floor.
Kitty Petrova eliminated Saint Ina.
As that happened the clock countdowns.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(The house lights lower and the stage lights turn to a golden color. “Shoot to Thrill” by Halestorm hits. The crowd explodes into cheers. Amy Jo Smyth steps out onto the stage, her back turned to the crowd, head covered by the hood of her metallic gold long sleeveless coat. Smyth spins on her toes and faces the crowd as a single spotlight falls on her. Of course she holds her large silver glitter canon. The Good Doctor lifts the cannon, aims upward…)
I got my gun at the ready gonna fire at will
‘Cause I shoot to thrill and I’m ready to kill
I can’t get enough and I can’t get my fill
Shoot to thrill play to kill
Pull the trigger, pull it
Pull it, pull it
Pull the trigger
(Smyth screams as she presses the trigger on the handheld cannon. Large pieces of golden glitter shoot into the air and rain down over the right side of the crowd. Smyth moves to the left, aims again, and fires off another round of glitter into air. Smyth hands the cannon off to a production staffer standing in the wings. She then throws her head back and arms upward and outward, letting the remaining glittering light wash over her. She slowly makes her way down the ramp, looking over the crowd, giving the occasional high five to a fan with a perfectly placed hand. She reaches the end of the ramp and throws a fist up in the air. The crowd pops.)
Julia Mexican: …Hailing from the great state of New Jersey… She comes in at number 5. She has her Ph.D. in submissions… “The Good Doctor” AMY JO SMYTH!!
(After a quick moment of listening to the crowd, she rushes forward, slides into the ring, and stands. Smyth throws her hood down, unzips her hoodie, and spins on her toes with her arms raised. She throws both arms down triggering an explosion of glittering light over the ring. She strips of her hoodie and passes it off to the nearest person on the outside. The lights come back up but remain golden for a time.)
Amy double clothesline both Dazi & Kitty. Amy is screaming as she continues the clotheslines to Kitty & Dazi as they up. Amy scoop slams Dazi and then follows that with a leg drop. The crowd is feeling Amy!
Ireland Crowd: AMY! AMY! AMY!
Amy is smiling to the crowd reaction and see the clock count down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now entering the match at number 6. She is apart of THE SHIELDMAIDENS! AERYNN "The Irish Princess" MAGUIRE!!
(At the sound of a raven's caw, the arena goes completely dark. Ronan Hardiman’s “Warriors” starts and begins to build. At the 0:07 mark, “The Irish Princess” Aerynn Donnelly appears in the middle of the stage with a spotlight on her, flanked by Shonn Maguire and Ashley Kenyon. All three are dressed in Celtic Warrior style gear, complete with body armor and face paint, on the tron behind them, a raven flies in and suddenly comes to a stop just as it’s about to strike, covering the whole of the screen. With each "THUMP" and "THUMPTHUMP" of the music the lights flash brightly. They stand in the middle of the stage for about 50 seconds and as the music begins to build further. Aerynn begins to walk down the ramp at a casual pace, Shonn and Ashley following closely behind her.At the 1:22 mark, Aerynn sprints the rest of the way down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope of the ring. Ashley and Shonn march to the ringside area. As Aerynn moves to the center of the ring, the music suddenly begins to get faster and faster She moves to each corner of the ring and then, when the song reaches it's highest crescendo, she moves back to the center of the ring, bends at the waist, arms pulled against her abdomen.. And when the music suddenly stops, she raises her arms up into the air and lifts her head up and lets out a warrior's cry, Ashley and Shonn looking on from the floor as if they’re just as ready for war as she is.)
Amy is standing in the ring and Dazi goes to push Amy into the ropes. Kitty is standing as Aerynn is coming down. As Aerynn gets onto the apron Kitty hits her with a knee strike. Aerynn hangs onto the ropes and pushes Kitty backwards. Aerynn gets into the ring and Dazi gets punched by Amy to get out the corner.Amy pushes Kitty aside and forearm shots to Aerynn. Amy & Aerynn make their to the ring ropes Dazi sweeps in and throws Aerynn to the outside of the ring.
Dazi Miyasita eliminated Aerynn Maguire
Amy is please with this. Amy turns around for Dazi to hit a superkick, Amy flips over the top rope but hangs onto the ropes still on the apron.
Demon: OMG! Amy Jo Smyth may be eliminated.
As Amy is on the outside of the ring and Dazi & Kitty are trying to eliminate her the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming in at number 7 and representing Valor Pro Wrestling! ROXI JOHNSON!!
(The opening keyboard notes of "The Touch" begin on the PA system. Stan Bush's voice rings out and soon the power chords kick in to begin the song. The cameras pan around the arena, and soon, spotted in amongst the fans, is Roxi Johnson slowly making her way through them, slapping the fans five and getting patted on the shoulders as he moves through the swarm of fans. The fans continuing singing with the song as Roxi continues her journey through them, stopping and singing along with them. She treks onward, seemingly greeting every fan, before she is lifted on top of the fans and they crowd surf her towards the ring, imitating a superhero "flying" motion. She makes it and lands on her feet on the arena floor to which she high fives the closest fan before climbing up on the apron and climbing the turnbuckle and raising her arms in the air to massive cheers.)
Roxi comes down and slides into the ring. Roxi hits a running dropkick on Kitty. After that Roxi and Kitty start battling. Amy forearm shots Dazi and climbs back into the ring. Roxi hits a DDT on Kitty. Amy hits a back handspring headscissors takedown on Dazi. Kitty hits a spinning heel kick on Roxi. Roxi drops to the mat and rolls near the ropes. Dazi hits a spear on Amy and follows that with a series of punches. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Welcome to the ring at number 8. KEIRA FISHER-JOHNSON!!
("Like a Phoenix" begins to slowly play as the lights go out. Two lights from the stage is seen showing Keira's shadow, raising her arms. The lights come back on as Keira turns and walks down the ring. She slaps a few fans hands as she slides in. She raises her hand and shouts out, "Like a HERO, BABY!" as she waits for her opponents.)
Keira gets in the ring and hits Kitty with a chick kick sending Kitty to the ropes. Roxi & Keira start to double team Kitty.
Demon: I am digging Roxi Johnson & Keira Fisher-Johnson working together.
Amy sees this and screams. Roxi & Keira turn around and Amy hits a double clothesline the center of the ring. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(The string of psychadlic guitar resonates. It mystifies the aura that the music played. Suddenly the baby's cry echoes from the song. It made clear that the song reveals to be “Mazohyst of Decadence” by Dir En Grey with its symphonic tune. It blasts into the arena as the light goes violet. The mysterious figure reveals to be Serena wears her trademark black Victorian coat and holds the knife-shaped mirror emitting red light. The motion speed slows down for a customized camera effect. Serena looks into mirror fixing herself and slides it across her neck with her eyes widens. )
Julia Mexican: Standing five feet and seven inches tall, coming in at number 9. she is the matriarch, SERENA!!!!
(Meanwhile Serena walks along the ramp and takes a deep breath feeling that she's finally back again. She raises both of her arms aligned with the crowd and holds her head up high. She feels the atmosphere of the ring bringing back nostalgia to her wrestling days. Serena enters the ring removing her trademark Victorian coat and the lights goes normal.)
Amy & Serena has a stand off and Serena hits a spinning back fist follows by a roundhouse kick.
Matt Weiser: What a seris of moves!
Serena sends Amy to the ropes trys to eliminate her. Dazi sees this and ruins that by attacking Serena. Dazi goes back to the ropes and Serena chases her and hits a running cross body knocking Dazi down. Roxi & Keira get to their feet but Kitty grabs their hairs and does a double head smash. Serena & Kitty are standing in the center of the ring now and the two start to exchange the punches. As that is happening the clock is counting down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Entering the ring at this time at number 10!
(The arena fades to black as the screen lights up and we are treated to an old school movie countdown image.)
5 ....4 ...3 ..2 .1!
"I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show"
(I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross begins to blast all across the speakers and as that happens we are able to see Christina Millar emerging through the backstage curtain and the roars of the crowd are deafening. Crystal smiles as her grouping of paparazzi gather up in front of the ring and they snag photo after of the Latina beauty. She walks down the ramp as she begins to throw some roses into the crowd. The crowd cheers loudly as they glance back at the Hollywood hottie. )
Julia Mexican: Introducing to the ring she hails from Hollywood, California by way of the Motor City. representing SCW! “The Multi Media Queen” CRYSTAL ZDUNICH!!!
"There's a new me coming out
And I just had to live
And I want to give
I'm completely positive
I think this time around
I am gonna do it
Like you never do it
Like you never knew it
Oh, I'll make it through"
(Her following of paparazzi meet her as does a red carpet. She takes in appeal of the cameras smiling as flashes begin to go off one after another. She slaps the hands of outstretched fans before she stops glancing at a special girl in the audience. She takes a pink rose from out of her boot and hands it to the fan giving them a hug. She then runs up the steps where she walks towards the middle of the apron. She blows kisses out to the crowd before she drops into a split entering the ring. The crowd begins to go nuts as she jumps into action.)
Crystal comes in and Serena sees this. Serena lands a white asian mist to Kitty and Serena hits a argentine backbreaker drop. Crystal gets in goes to tackle Serena but is cuaght in mid air and Serena applies a bearhug, Serena carries over to the ropes and Keira hits a chop clocks and Serena falls backwards with Crystal kinda doing a bearhug overhead suplex. Roxi hits a leg drop on Serena and Keira goes over and gets Crystal. Keira sets Crystal up to the ropes. Roxi comes over and hits a clothesline sending Crystal over the top rope onto the floor.
Roxi Johnson & Keira Fisher-Johnson eliminated Crystal Zdunich.
Roxi & Keira high five and then Serena hits a double clothesline when the females turn around. Serena sets Keira up on the ropes and tries to get rid of her. With Amy & Dazi working on Kitty over in the other corner. Roxi pulls Serena off of Keira. Keria & Roxi start to work on Serena as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(Strobing Red and White Lights appear throughout the arena as ‘Timebomb’ begins. The music stops and the arena goes dark. Then a bright red light shines down on the ring. Another lights up the aisle, then another as the aisle illuminates all the way up to the stage. The video screen slowly shines in red, with emblazoned letters spelling out: Jana Rikar.)
Julia Mexican: Coming in at number 11. From Virginia Beach Virginia, weighing in at 115 pounds, Repping JWC the ‘Time Bomb’ JANA RIKAR!!!
(The music starts again. Wearing a red and white robe, Jana slowly rises through the stage, the red letters on the screen changing into white. The red light shining on her entrance changes to white as she holds up her left hand. Slowly walking down the aisle, each red light changes to white until she reaches the ring. She looks out at the crowd and climbs up onto the steps. Jana slowly raises her left hand again, and the light shining down onto the ring, changes from red to white as she enters the ring. Heading towards the corner, she takes off the robe, showing white knee-high boots, red leggings, a red and white patterned top. She holds up two fingers on her right hand covered with a black glove.)
Jana gets into the ring and Roxi turns around from Serena to deal with Jana. Jana hits a front kick ot Roxi. Serena gets lose and hits a running big boot to Jana. Serena does a powerbomb and throws Jana to the outside of the ring.
Serena eliminated Jana Rikar
As Serena is being proud of this Roxi & Keira again are trying to get rid of Serena. Kitty stops with Amy and starts punching Keira. Dazi & Amy are still working to eliminate each other. Dazi hits a release german suplex on Amy. Kitty hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Keira. Roxi hits a blue thunder bomb on Serena. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(The song Shout At The Devil by Electric Hellfire Club starts to blast over the PA system. The fans see that AmberLynn Hardin starts to come on out to the ring being accompanied to the ring by her husband, Dark Tiger (Aka Sebastian Hardin). The fans cheer for them and they smile at the fans. He gives her a kiss and she returns the favor. He helps her get in the ring as they stand in the corner talking last minute match plans as Julia says to the crowd.)
Julia Mexican: Already in the ring, being accompanied to the ring by her husband, Dark Tiger,and weighing in at 130 lbs. Repping WXW. Hailing from Richmond, Virginia . She is " The Hurricane Bitch" AMBERLYNN HARDIN!!
AmberLynn makes her way to the ring. Roxi gets loose from Serena and Roxi hits AmberLynn with a slingblade. AmberLynn gets up and Roxi hits a hurricarana from the ring to the outside floor over the top rope.
Roxi Johnson eliminated AmberLynn Hardin
Roxi gets back in the ring and Serena does a bearhug but Keira gets free from Kitty. Keira and Roxi double clothesline Serena to the apron and they are trying to eliminate her. Kitty gets on the back of Amy and Dazi forcus on Roxi. Dazi hits Roxi with a reverse neckbreaker. The clocks starts to count down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now repping ECWF! She is the leader of THE SHIELDMAIDENS! ROBI JEAN MITCHELL!
(The cameras return to the arena, as it goes completely black and all you hear over the PA system was, “Oh, yo, yo!” then a small pause. On the tron appears the words: “Hell is empty and the Maidens are here.” Then the lyrics start.)
"There’s just so much Goddamn weight on my shoulders;
All I’m try’na do is live my mother fucking life.
Supposed to be happy but I’m only getting colder.
Wear a smile on my face but there’s a demon inside.”
(This repeats once more. And as the drums start, the lights in the arena start flashing with the beat. At the :25 mark, the music stops for a few moments. The lights go black once more. And 5 seconds later, the music kicks up again and the lights come on.)
“Oh, yo, yo. There’s a demon inside!
Oh, yo, yo. Just like Jekyll and Hyde!
Oh, yo, yo. There’s a demon inside!
Oh, yo, yo. Just like Jekyll and Hyde!”
(On the stage stands RJ Mitchell with the Donnelly sister, Fianna flanking behind her on either side . At the :50 mark there’s a few second pause then the music picks up again.)
“There’s just so much goddamned weight on your shoulders;
That you can’t just live your mother fucking life.
The story’s getting old and my heart is getting colder.
I just wanna be Jekyll; but I’m always fighting Hyde.”
(This is when RJ, Fianna and Aerynn start down the ramp toward the ring.)
“You’ve got rocks in your head, I can hear them rollin’ ‘round.
You say that you’re above it, but you’re always fallin’ down.
Is there a method to your madness, is it all about pride?
Everyone I know, they’ve got a demon inside!”
(As the last word was screamed out, Robi slides into the ring while Fianna stays outside.. Like a sultry dancer, RJ rises in the middle of the ring. And as she stands there posing, the music begins to slow.)
“Oh, yo, yo. All I’m try’na do is live my mother fucking life.
Oh, yo, yo. Wear a smile on my face; but there’s a demon inside.
Oh, yo, yo. All I’m try’na do is live my mother fucking life.
Oh, yo, yo. Wear a smile on my face;
Robi is in the ring punches each and every member in the ring. Kitty, Amy, Dazi, Roxi, Keira, & Serena! Robi then hits a pele kick as Amy trys to get her from beind.
Demon: This match is crazy.
Robi back kicks Kitty and the two starts to goes to the ropes. Dazi goes after Roxi. Keira goes after Serena. Keira hits Serena with a dropkick. Amy hits a shoulder-sitting inverted frankensteiner on Keira. Roxi hits Dazi with side russian leg sweep. Robi hits a styles clash on Kitty. Robi starts to do a series on mounted punches. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(Green lazer lights flash around the arena as "Voodoo" by Nyxx kicks up. Sativa stands at the entrance ramp with her black and green trenchcoat on.)
Julia Mexican: Entering at number14, from Los Angeles California, She is repping East Coast Wrestling Federation. "Darth Ganja" SATIVA NEVAEH!!
(Sativa smiles as the crowd errupts. She removes her coat and tosses it to the side. She then runs down to the ring and slides inside.)
Sativa goes after Robi and hits a tiger suplex. Sativa goes after Dazi and hits her with another tiger suplex. Sativa gives out tiger suplexes to Keira, Roxi, & Serena.
Demon: Sativa Nevaeh is on fire.
Amy hits a superkick on Sativa. Sativa is holding her gut. Serena hits a scoop slam to Sativa.Roxi hits Serena with a sling blade. Kitty hits Amy with a big boot into the corner and Amy is on the ring apron over the top rope as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now coming down to the ring at number 15. She is repping UCWA Southside Wrestling Brand! She is the wife of Samantha Tolson-Anderson. She is "The Beautiful" KATIE ANDERSON-TOLSON!!
("Confident" by Demi Lovato plays and Katie Anderson-Tolson comes running out. She looks to be upset from consoleing Samantha Tolson-Anderson in the back. She runs into the ring and hits Roxi with a running hip smash.)
Katie gets to the top turnbuckle. Robi, Serena, Roxi, Keira, & Dazi are battling in the center of the ring. Katie dives and the pile of female hit the ring. Katie gets to her feet first and gets Kitty off of Amy. Amy gets back into the ring. Katie irish whips Kitty and Kitty counters. Kitty sends Katie to the ropes and on Katie return Kitty does a back body drop and throws Katie over the top rope to ring floor.
Kitty Petrova eliminated Katie Amderson-Tolson
Demon: Roxi Johnson & Kitty Petrova are at 2 eliminations.
Kitty is smiling from that elimination. Amy is now hitting Kitty in the face. Dazi is attacking both Roxi & Keira. Robi & Serena are standing off. They females are bringing it. The clock starts to count down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now welcoming to the ring at number 16. She is a mystery until now. She is JASMINE MATTHEWS!!
(Jasmine Matthews comes running out. She ingores the fans and b-line it to the ring.)
Jasmine starts to attack Robi. Jasmine does a lou thesz press to Robi and follows that with a series of punches. Serena grabs Jasmine and does back butterfly pick up. Robi gets up and sees Dazi. Robi attacks Dazi. Robi & Dazi are just going crazy on each other as Roxi & Keira focus on Amy & Kitty.All the females met in the center of the ring and starting a pile of females punching each other.
Matt Weiser: The amount of females in this match is unreal.
Demon: Just to think it is a chance to face Lyra LeVeux-Donavan!!!
Matt Weiser: Yeah that in itself is gonna be great.
The females are just exchanging punches and forearms hits.
The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Introducing at number 17...she is the Mad Queen of Controversy...This is MARISOL HAWKES!!
(You hear the music of "I'm not afraid" by Lacuna Coil over the loudspeakers and you see Marisol walking out on stage. She has a bright gold crown upon her head with pink gems adorning the edges. As Marisol walks down the ramp, she just scoffs at the fans who are giving her a bit of a mixed reaction. She stops half way up the ramp and looks over the other competitors before taking off her crown and awaiting as to what happens next.)
Marisol gets to the top turnbuckle and Marisol does a diving cross body and all the females are down.
Demon: Again! Wow these females are just trying to out do each other.
Marisol is the first to her feet and she sends Dazi to the ropes and hits her with a pop-up powerbomb. Roxi & Keira get to their feet. Amy gets to hers. Serena gets to her feet. Kitty rolls over and hangs around the ring apron. All the girls are just attacking each other as Keira & Roxi target Amy & Serena. Sativa rolled to the outside of the ring and is hanging out on the ring apron like Kitty. Hair pulling and punches are being thrown. Then all of a sudden the count down happens. Serena lands a hard lariat on someone.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome to the ring at the number 18 entry, She is a former ECWF World Tag Team Champion. She is repping WWH. She is "The Mammasaurous" COURTNEY STEELE!!
("The Beautiful People" hits across the PA system as Courtney Leinart-Steele stands at the top of the ramp holding her leopard print barb wired bat across her shoulder as she makes her way to the ring while some of the fans boo her and others cheer for her. She flashes all the fans a smirk as she teases some of them by tempting to shake their hands but only to walk away casually and up the steel steps and into the ring. She stands in the middle of the ring holding the bat high up in the air as her song fades in the back. )
Courtney attacks Serena who is now awaiting for her. The two battle each other.Then Serena sends Courtney to the corner and Serena doesa powerbomb pick up and slams Courtney right out of the ring.
Serena eliminated Courtney Steele
Demon: Thanks for coming Courtney Steele.
All the girls goes back to battling each other. Kitty & Sativa make their way back into the ring. Sativa hits springboard elbow drive to Amy. Kitty hits a satelite DDT on Keira.Roxi hits a slingblade on Serena. Dazi hits a series of clothesline on Robi. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(The arena lights go dark and the crowd is hyped up for what was in store. As the opening of “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” by U2 blares across the PA system, the mood of the crowd changes instantly and the arena is under the subtle glowing of the lights. As the lyrics finally kick in, a figure emerges; the highlight of their attire is being under the illusion. Mercedes Vargas stops short of the entrance ramp, hands on waist, and overlooking the crowd. )
Julia Mexican: Making her way to the ring, at number 19. from Buenos Aires, Argentina, weighing in at 125 pounds... MERCEEEEEDEEEES VAAAARGAAAAS!
(Cheers, boos and catcalls soon greet her. Oblivious and yet satisfied with their reaction for several seconds, she flips her long hair, then makes her way to the ring. As she goes up the steps and walks to the end of the ring apron, she climbs to the turnbuckle, then turns her head back as the camera shows her determined expression-perhaps a message that her opponent will be in for a tough fight. She vaults into the ring and walks over to the opposite corner where she relaxes along the corner ropes while waiting for her opponent (s) to arrive.)
Mercedes comes into the ring like a house of fire and hits clotheslines to all. Robi, Serena, Dazi, Roxi, Keira, Kitty, Amy, Jasmine, Marisol, & Sativa. It happens still the clock is counting down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now final entry of teh event at number 20 is simply known as LEGION!!
(The sound of a clock counting down hits the P.A. system and there is a mixed reaction from the fans as the arena is plunged into darkness. As the clock winds down, the image of a novelty snow globe comes up on the big screen. It’s fashioned like a snow globe, except it looks as though there is a desert sandstorm going on within! Being buried by layers upon layers of sand, it seems as though a miniature Starlight is in a deep slumber.. The desert snow globe shatters loudly as the main part of the song kicks in. The Legion inside is wide awake with purpose. Like a true ronin, the miniature Legion from the globe is up to her feet and ready for action, and she becomes full size in front of the eyes of the fans on the big screen. The fans cheer as the house lights fade back in, accompanied by neon blue searchlights emanating from the side of the ramp, and they cheer even louder as the curtains are thrown back and Starlight appears on the entrance ramp with a confident, knowing smile.. Violin drop.)
"Shatter me!"
"Somebody make me feel alive"
"And shatter me"
(Legion makes her way down the ramp at the same pace as the music, reaching ringside and climbing the steps before leaping majestically over the top rope and throwing up her trademark taunt to another cheer..)
Demon: OMG! I have heard of this girl. She is gonna make a impact.
Matt Weiser: All 20 girls have been named now it is time to pick your spots and throw girls out.
Legion gets to the ring and Mercedes goes to clothesline her and Legion ducks. Mercedes leans on the ropes and Legion chokeslams Mercedes over the top rope onto the floor.
Legion eliminated Mercedes Vargas
Kitty goes to do a move to Legion. Legion ducks and hits Kitty with a big boot forcing Kitty to fall over the top rope onto the floor.
Legion eliminated Kitty Petrova
Amy & Sativa are hanging out by the ropes and Amy does a miltarty press slam to Sativa over the top rope onto the floor.
Amy Jo Smyth eliminated Sativa Nevaeh
Robi hits her springboard flip over DDT and Marisol. Marisol rolls to the ring apron and Robi hits a dropkick sending Marisol to the floor.
Robi Jean Mitchell eliminated Marisol Hawkes
Dazi jumps onto Robi's back. Robi throw Dazi down and realized it was her and seen that she eliminated Ophelia & Aerynn from before. Dazi goes for a punch but Robi is not selling it. Robi does a midgut kick and bring Dazi to the ropes. Robi does a big boot sending Dazi over the top rope onto the floor.
Robi Jean Mitchell eliminated Dazi Miyashita
Legion & Robi are now standing face to face. Just then Serena grabs Legion and tosses her over the top rope onto the floor.
Serena eliminated LEGION
Serena is waving bye bye & laughing to Legion. Serena is proud of the cheap elimination. Keira & Roxy are now double teaming Robi. Keira & Roxy got Robi in the corner and just are double stomping her. All of a sudden Robi exploders out of their and clothesline both females. As Roxy is down, Robi takes Keira over to the ropes and tosses her over the top rope onto the floor.
Robi Jean Mitchell eliminated Keira Fisher-Johnson
Matt Weiser: Just like that we are down to 5!
Serena had Jasmine near the corner and just throws Jasmine out of the ring.
Matt Weiser: Correction 4!
Serena eliminated Jasmine Matthews
Now the four females stand off. Robi, Amy, Serena, Roxi, & Robi! These four females are filling each other out. Robi & Roxi square off while Amy & Serena square off. The females go to opposite corners. Roxi manages to lift Robi onto the turnbucke and Roxi is set for a hurricarana. Robi counters. Robi throws Roxi to the mat and Robi flys off with a forearm shot knocking both females to the mat. Amy does a back handspring headscissors takedown to Serena. Roxi & Robi get to their feet and Roxi hits a DDT on Robi. Serena gets to her feet and hits Amy with a White Asian Mist.
Matt Weiser: How many mists can one female make?
Demon: 2 from the way it looks.
Roxi allows Robi to get to her feet and does just a standing dropkick and connects with Robi on the chin. Robi hits a pele kick as she falls to the mat connecting with Roxi's head. Amy hits Serena with a runnign double knee strike to Serena's face . Serena straggers to the ropes and Amy connects with a superkick. Serena falls over the top rope and out of the ring.
Amy Jo Smyth eliminated Serena
Demon: Down to three.
Roxi & Robi get to their feet. Roxi runs to go for a running hurricarana but Robi catches her and powerbombs Roxi over the top rope onto the floor.
Robi Jean Mitchell eliminated Roxi Johnson
Matt Weiser: Our very own Robi eliminated the Johnson women and Dazi Miyashita! Impressive.
Demon: That is why she is the leader of those bikers The Shieldmaidens!
The Ireland crowd is going nuts for now it is down to Amy & Robi.
Demon: Who can get the advantage?
Both females are tired. Robi goes on the attack first with a shoulder block and as Amy is on the mat. Robi runs to the turnbuckle jumps and a flying double foot stomp.
Matt Weiser: She calls that Bifrost.
Robi picks up Amy and is looking to toss her out. Robi moves around and Amy manages to land a hard superkick.
Matt Weiser: Southern Charm!
Demon: Yeah but looked what happened.
Robi falls to the mat. Amy is kneeling down as well. Both females are at the limits. Robi & Amy get fully up to their feet. Robi goes to the ropes. Robi flips backwards and Amy catches. Amy showed a bit of strength so Robi couldn't get the full swing. Amy is attempting a powerslam throw but Robi is hanging onto the ropes. Amy does manage to toss Robi but she lands perfectly on the apron. Robi goes to get back into the ring but Amy does a shoudler thrust and rocks Robi. As Robi is hanging onto the ropes and wobbles towards the ring Amy hitsa superkick! Robi turns around and falls face first to the ring floor. As Robi hit the floor her feet touched the floor.
Amy Jo Smyth eliminated Robi Jean Mitchell
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the 2019 female WarTime Rumble and challenging Lyra LeVeux-Donavan at StarrCade XIII, AMY JO SMYTH!!!
(The crowd goes nuts for this hard work. Amy Jo Smyth is crying and kneeling in the ring as she is realizing she won this rumble. The referee Julie McNally raises her arm in victory and she looks at the StarrCade banner knowning she has a major match getting ready to happen.)

2019 30 males WarTime Rumble
Hammerstein vs. Doctor Robert vs. Arcus D'Rocco vs. Matt Korklan Jr. vs. Seth Iser vs. Dax Harris vs. Blitz vs. Terry Gaines vs. Jesse Parr vs. Damon vs. Johnathan Williams vs. Mr. Katz vs. Adam Gatner vs. Fyodor Molotov vs. ???(James Ceno) vs. Chris Ravenna vs. Eddie Ramirez vs. Keegan Ryan vs. Seth Lawless vs. Alexander Thrace vs. Chris Spade vs. Chris Styles vs. The BigStuff vs. Johnny Lobo Jr. vs. Christian Michaels vs. Duke Andrews vs. Forge Mitchell vs. Marcus LaVine vs. The Resurrected One vs. Konrad Raab
Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the main event! It is the 30 male WarTime Rumble match! The winner of it will face for the World Heavyweight Championship at StarrCade XIII. It will start with the people that picked #1 & #2 and will go on until all 30 males have been announced every 90 seconds. A elimination occurs when someone is over the top rope and both feet touch the floor.
(The ireland crowd is just going crazy because they seen the female and know the males will be good as well.)
Julia Mexican: The man that picked number 1!
(Julia Mexican is interrupted by Hammerstein. He has a microphone in hand and talks as he is making his way down to the ring.)
Hammerstein: Listen whoever you are. I am Jacob Hammerstein. I was in the 2017 Rumble and never gotten eliminated by going over the top rope. What happen back then was Kenni Killswitch was chasing a guy out of the ring and I manage to get through the middle rope and was there. Me and the four other guys that were eliminated, by the way....Caught her as she jumps from the top turnbuckle on the ring floor. She eliminated herself back then and the referee thought since I was out there. That I was infact eliminated and ordered to get out of there, for that buttmunch The Resurrected One to win the either event. So let me introduce myself since I got that out of the way.
(While all that talking was going on Hammerstein made his way to the ring and was standing in the center.)
Hammerstein: I stand at 6 feet and 2 inches. I weighed in this morning at 2 hundred and 39 pounds. I am from Los Olivos, California. I am the number 1 entry and the man that is going to win it. I am "The American Monster" JACOB HAMMERSTEIN!!!
(Hammerstein drops the mic and Julia goes back to talking.)
Julia Mexican: Now it is time to introduce the man that picked number 2. He reps the Anchor Wrestling Assoc. He hails from Hull, England. He is "The Good" DOCTOR ROBERT!!
("Doctor Robert" by The Beatles plays and Doctor Robert comes out. The crowd is behind him since he is a overseas superstar and not the tradition USA star that ECWF has. He makes his way down to the ring.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Hammerstein kicks Robert in the gut and immediately throws him over top rope and Robert lands on the floor.
Hammerstein eliminated Doctor Robert
Demon: This is why he is a monster.
Matt Weiser: Whats he gonna do with the 70 seconds.
Jacob Hammerstein is laughing on how dominate he thinks he is. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Welcome to the ring the man that picked number 3. He is from Melbourne, Austrailia. He is ARCUS D'ROCCO!!
(Arcus D'Rocco runs down to the ring.)
Arcus gets to the ring and Hammerstein sends him from one side of the ring to the other side over the top rope onto the floor.
Jacob Hammerstein eliminated Arcus D'Rocco
Hammerstein is laughing at that and says.
Hammerstein: What a joke!
Hammerstein is walking around the ring as the counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the man that picked number 4! He reps the AUF Federation. He is MATT KORKLAN JR!!
(Matt Korklan Jr. comes running out.)
Hammerstien is kicks Matt in the gut. Hammerstein vertical suplexes Matt up and catches him to hit a sitdown inverted piledriver.
Matt Weiser: The Hammersteiner!
Hammerstein picks up Matt and throws him over the top rope onto the floor,.
Jacob Hammerstein eliminated Matt Korklan Jr.
Demon: Thanks for coming Matt!
Matt Weiser: I am still here and not going anywhere.
Demon: Not you!
Hammerstein is laughing again and then out of no where he starts doing push ups.
Demon: Jacob Hammerstein looks to be in top shape.
The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(The beginning strums of 'Gehenna' blare through the PA system and Seth Iser lumbers down toward the ring ready for war with a smirk etched on his face. He then slides into the ring.
Julia Mexican: Entry number five...from Morgantown, West Virginia, Coming in at number 5 and repping FGA Wrestling! SETH ISER!
Seth & Hammerstein have a staredown. Seth & Hammerstein start punching each other and Seth lands a big boot and Hammerstein falls through the ropes onto the apron. Hammerstein hits a forearm smash and climbs back into the ring.
Matt Weiser: If Jacob Hammerstein would have hit the floor he wouldn't have been eliminated.
Demon: Well that happened to him in 2017.So he has to worry about it.
Hammerstein runs and hits Seth in the head with a running doube axe handle. Seth gets to his feet immediately and sends Hammerstein to the corner. The clock is counting down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now coming to the ring in the number 6 entry. He is repping XWF! He is "The Diety" DAX HARRIS!!
(Dax Harris runs out.)
Seth is standing in the center as Dax enters the ring. Seth discus clothesline Dax. Seth picks up Dax with a deadlift running powerslam and slams Dax over the top rope onto the floor.
Seth Iser eliminated Dax Harris
Seth goes over and starts to try and eliminate Hammerstein. Hammerstein gets free and clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now here comes the man that chose number 7 entry. He is repping ECWF. He is from Beany Town. He is BLITZ!!
(The opening piano of "In the End" by Linkin Park hits the PA system as the camera's pan over the fans.)
"It starts with One!"
(The camera snaps to the stage as an explotion of energy is shown on the Music entrance revealing Prime Forces name. Looking down we see that Blitz, JC Kane, and Maya Jensen On the stage as they were kneeling with their heads down. The crowds cheer as they slowly raise to their feet looking out across the fans before they each raise a fist in the air. They were like that a moment as Joseph Stein and S.E.N.T.R.Y. come out from the back as they stand behind the 3 of them. JC, being in the middle, then takes the lead as she begins to walk down the ramp, followed by Blitz and Maya, with Sten and Sentry bringing up the rear. When they reach the ring JC stands in front of the apron as Blitz heads to one corner, hoping up onto the apron while Maya goes to the other corner as she takes the stairs to arrive on the apron as well. Both Blitz and Maya climb up their respective corner posts before raising the hands in the air. Stein and Sentry circle around the ring just before JC raises her hand and quickly slides into the ring as Blitz and Maya flip off their corner posts The three of them get to their feet as they begin to appeal to the crowds as they walk around the ring. Soon, JC walked to the center as Blitz and Maya climb the ring posts. All three of them raise their hand in the air to cheers from the crowd. JC looks to both Maya and Blitz before they both backflip off their corners. They straighten and the three of them unite their fists in the middle of the ring for a breif moment.)
Blitz gets in the ring and he starts battling with Seth & Hammerstein. The three are just battling each other and Seth & Blitz try to eiminate Hammerstein on the ropes as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Here i the man coming in at number 8. He is MR. KATZ!!
(Mr. Katz runs down the ramp to the ring.)
Hammerstein gets free and stands in the center of the ring. Seth and Blitz starts to try and eliminate one a nother on the ropes. As Katz slides in and charges Hammerstein. Hammerstein quickly throws him out over the top rope onto the floor.
Jacob Hammerstein eliminated Mr. Katz
Demon: They come in and Hammerstein throws them out He is on his 4th elimination.
Hammerstein attacks Seth and Blitz kicks Hammerstein. Now Hammerstein and Blitz are exchanging punches while Seth is trying to find a place to land a punch. Seth does and then hits Blitz with a arm-pued bossman slam! The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Here comes number 9. Repping Team Pretty Inc! TERRY GAINES!!
(Terry Gaines runs out.)
Seth hits Hammerstein with a hard discus clothesline. Seth gets to his feet as he sees Blitz & Hammerstein on the mat. Terry gets to the ring and immediately clothesline over the top rope onto the floor.
Seth Iser eliminated Terry Gaines
Seth puts his foot on Bitz and is trying to eliminate him but Blitz is hanging onto the ropes. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Here is comes number 10. From Scotland. DAMON!
(No music is being played as Damon comes out. Damon is making his way down the ramp but decides to sit on the steal steps and not enter the ring.)
Demon: I'm waiting for someone. Someone important!
Hammerstein goes to deal with Damon but Damon doesn't get into the ring. By then Seth turns Hammerstein around and hits a knee lift. Seth clothesline Hammerstein over the top rope onto the apron. Blitz & Seth try to eliminate him as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Introducing number 11. He is number 11. He is from York, England. The "Graduate" JOHNATHAN WILLIAMS!!
(Johnathan Williams comes running out as the crowd is cheering for the overseas superstar.)
Seth leaves Hammerstein & Blitz alone. Johnathan gets into the ring and two have stand off.
Demon: Papers shows me that these two are from the same wrestling academy but Seth Iser is the main star so lets see how this works.
Seth hits a big boot knocking Johnathan over the top rope and hits the floor.
Demon: Well that was quick.
Seth Iser eliminated Johnathan Williams
Seth gets forearm smashed from Hammerstein. Blitz flys and hits a springboard dropkick on Seth. Damon is still sitting on the steal steps outside of the ring. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now welcome the man who picked number 12. He is repping Team Pretty Inc! JESSE PARR!!
(Jesse Parr comes out and flexes. After that he runs down to the ring.)
Blitz is working Seth in the corner. Hammerstein allows Jesse to slide into the ring. Jesse charges and Hammerstein hits a hard tilt-a-whirl sideslam. As Jesse gets up Hammerstein clothesline Jesse out of the ring.
Jacob Hammerstien eliminated Jesse Parr
Demon: That is number 5 for Hammerstein!
Matt Weiser: By my count Seth Iser has 3!
Demon: There is technically 4 in the match, 3 in the ring, 8 eliminated, that was 12th entry, 18 to go, and 30 in the entire match. The Math here is killing me here!
Seth gets out of the corner. Hammerstein yells at Damon. Damon is not answering it. Blitz hits a lionsault onto standing Seth as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(A wolf howls and Of Wolf and Man plays as Adam comes out and he comes to the ramp and howls and the fans howl as well.)
Julia Mexican: Entering at Number 13 he hails from Albuquerque New Mexico. He stands six feet seven inches and weighs in at 265 lbs. He is repping WXW! He is the "American Alpha Wolf" ADAM GATNER!!!
Adam gets into the ring, Hammerstein hits the pounce on Adam. Hammerstein pulls Adam by the hair and throws him over the top rope onto the floor,
Jacob Hammerstien eliminated Adam Gatner
Hammerstein is grabbed from behind by Seth and trys to throw him out but Hammerstein is hanging on. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Here is the man that chosed number 14. He is from St. Peterburg, Russia. He is repping Renegade Wrestling. He is "The Red Menace" FYODOR MOLOTOV!!
("Come and Die" by Therapy? & Fatal plays and Fyodor Molotov comes out.)
Fyodor is running and slides into the ring. Hammerstein gets free and Hammerstein spears Seth. Blitz is awaiting for Fyodor. Blitz grabs Fyodor's neck and sends him over the top rope onto the ring floor.
Blitz eliminated Fyodor Molotov
Blitz is hitting Seth & Hammerstein. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Demon: Halfway guys who is it gonna be.
Julia Mexican: Here is the number 15 entry. He is repping ECWF. He is "The Firestorm" JAMES CENO!
Demon: OMG! It is our former General Manager.
("Hell" by Disturbed plays and James Ceno comes running out.)
James comes in like a house of fire and hitting release german suplexes to Blitz, Hammerstein, & Seth. James is celebrating that he has laid out the guys. James sees Damon, who is still on the outside of the ring on the steal steps. James is hitting another german suplex on Blitz as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(Playing the boss theme from Final Fantasy XII, the intro started to build a melodic orchestrated atmosphere then proceeds with a score that would signified courage and strength. Then Chris Ravenna appears out of entrance curtain wearing sleeveless black and white long jacket with two insignias of both Fione and Sakuya on his back. He also has wrestling tights both with typical white and black color scheme.)
Julia Mexican: Making his way to the ring, representing Action Wrestling, Coming in at number 16. CHRIS RAVENNA!!
(Chris marches towards the ring. As he reached to the apron, he climbed the apron and into the ring. In a split second, he takes off his jacket and proceeds to fight with other wrestlers there.)
Chris hits a running dropkick to James. James is out of the mat as now Chris is battling Hammerstein, Blitz & Seth are battleing. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming in at number 17. EDDIE RAMIREZ!!
(Eddie Ramirez comes out.)
Blitz dropkicks Seth over the top rope but Seth hangs on. Eddie slides into the ring and charges Blitz. Blitz drops down and holds the ropes and Eddie flys over the top rope onto the floor.
Demon: In and out. Blitz has 2 eliminations.
Blitz eliminated Eddie Ramirez
Blitz is now stomping on James as Chris is attacking Hammerstein and Seth gets back into the ring. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the man that will enter at number 18. He is repping Portland Pro Wrestling. The "New Mexico Madman" KEEGAN RYAN!!
(Damon gets off of the steps and walks to the center before the ring. He is ready for this guy. The wrestlers past Damon as now Keegan Ryan comes out running.)
Keegan & Damon are fighting on the outside. Chris & Hammerstein say screw it and climb through the middle ropes and rolls Keegan & Damon into the ring. Keegan & Damon are still fighting. Keegan manages to get Damon to the ropes and throw him out over the top rope onto the floor.
Keegan Ryan eliminated Damon
As Keegan is laughing at Damon. Hammerstein is in the ring and behind lifts Keegan over the top rope onto the floor.
Jacob Hammerstein eliminated Keegan Ryan
Demon: And just like that we gotten rid of two guys from the match. 5 still in the ring and we are down to the last 12.
Hammerstein is smiling and now is getting hit by Chris. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Entering at number 19.He reps California Wrestling. He is "The Lawless" SETH LAWLESS!!
(Seth comes running down to the ring. )
As Blitz, Hammerstein, James, & Chris are battleing over in the other corner. Seth I is standing in the center of the ring. Seth I immediately clothesline Seth L out of the ring over the top rope.
Seth Iser: I am the only Seth in this match now get out of here.
Hammerstein clobbers Seth as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Demon: Number 20th. 10 more to go.
Julia Mexican: The man coming in at number 20. He is reping The Sacrament of Sabbath. "The Gladiator" ALEXANDER THRACE!!
(Alexander Thrace comes running out and shoulder blocks Seth Lawless as he runs out down to ring.)
Alexander enters the ring and clotheslines everyone. James, Seth, Chris, Hammerstein, & Blitz. After they all get up they single out Alexander and get together and throw him out over the top rope onto the floor.
Jacob Hammerstein, James Ceno, Chris Ravenna, Blitz, & Seth Iser eliminated Alexander Thrace
Demon: That was unexpected.
The 5 guys celebrate as the clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
("Broken, Beaten, and Scared" by Metallica plays as Chris comes out on the stage with his LED lighted ring jacket and does his pose. .)
Julia Mexican: Making his way to the ring representing the UWF from Hollywood, CA, Number 21 He is the "King of Spade's" CHRIS SPADE!!!
(As he walks to the ring, takes his jacket off before jumping into action.)
Chris S comes in and starts to attack James, The guys are attacking each other trying to get the advantge of one another but it fails. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming to the ring he is number 22. He is repping AHW. He is THE BIGSTUFF!!
(The BigStuff comes running out.)
BigStuff attacks Chris and Chris with ease toss BigStuff. BigStuff flys over the top rope onto the floor.
Chris Ravenna eliminated The BigStuff
Chris is laughing and the clock counts down. Hammerstein is battling Blitz and Seth is going after James.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming in at number 23 and repping AHW. He is CHRIS STYLES!!
Chris Styles be lines it to the ring. Just then Chris R & Chris Sp do a double dropkick knocking Chris St over the top rope onto the floor.
Chris Ravenna & Chris Spade eliminated Chris Styles
Chris R & Chris Sp attack each other. Blitz & Seth are battleing. James & Hammerstein are battleing. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Here comes in number 24. He is repping ECWF and The Legends of Pain stable. He is "Extreme Werewolf" JOHNNY LOBO JR!!
(Johnny Lobo Jr. comes running out and slides into the ring.)
Hammerstein forcus on Johnny and throws him out over the top rope onto the floor.
Jacob Hammerstein eliminated Johnny Lobo Jr.
Demon: That is what? 9! That is impressive.
Hammerstein goes back to dealing with James. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(3 Doors Down's hit "Kryptonite" hits over the speakers sending a rush through the crowd. The fans jump up on their feet cheering as the tron comes alive with CM's entrance video. Michaels himself finally walks out onto the stage about 20 or 30 seconds into the song. He stops at the top and looks out at the pumped fans. In the ring Spirit Montego raises her mic.)
Julia Mexican: Ladies and gentlemen, the next entrant in the 2019 WarTime Rumble match.... Repping Millenium Wrestling. Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee...He stands six-foot-two and weighs in at two hundred and twelve pounds..He is the number 25. Here is CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!!
(Christian had been bouncing from his left foot to his right during his introduction. As Spirit finishes he gestures for the fans to get louder! They're quick to oblige and CM starts his way down the aisle. The fan favorite making sure to go back and forth between the sides of the aisle, slapping hands with every fan that he can. When he reaches the end of the aisle, CM rolls into the ring under the bottom rope. He gets up and heads towards the nearest hard camera-facing corner. CM gets on the middle turnbuckle and raises his hands up, garnering another cheer from the crowd. Finally Michaels hops down and awaits the entrance of the night's opponent.)
Christian in the ring and hit clothesline right & left to everyone, After all other men hit the mat Christian is excited dancing in the ring. Christian hits a dragon heel kick on Hammerstein. Blitz hits a bulldog on Seth. James hits a running forearm on Chris. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Coming into the rumble at number 26. He is repping Hybrid Wrestling. He is from Gran Rapids, Michigan. He is DUKE ANDREWS!!
(The lights dim to complete darkness before the red, white, and blue lights hit the stage. The opening riff of "Waking Lions" begins to play, in the instrumental version. Duke emerges from behind the curtain to the top of the stage, wearing a black cut off t-shirt, "Epitome of Perfection" scratched in the front in the Red, White, and Blue. He stops for a moment before his slow walk to the ring. )
"I wanna stand up, a hundred feet tall
'Cause fear will never lead the way
I'm ready to run, a hundred miles strong
I will never be the same
Waking the lions in me
I'm waking the lions in me"
(At this point Duke has stepped into the ring, crossing to the opposite corner and perched himself, right hand raised in the air with a clenched fist as the lights emerge back to the bright white.)
Duke enters the ring and Christain eliminates him with a clothesline.
Christian Michaels eliminated Duke Andrews
Christian is clapping loudly. Hammerstein turns him around the two battle as they all battle in the middle of the ring. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Lets welcome to the ring. Number 27. The Leader of THE CHROMEDRAGONS!! TRENTON "Forge" MITCHELL!!
(Trenton Mitchell comes running down to the ring.)
As all the men are battleing in the center of the ring. Forge gets to the top turnbuckle and Forge does a corkscrew splash on the pile of guys and they all crash in the center of the ring. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now coming to the ring. Number 28. He is repping Elysium Pro Wrestling. He is "The Man of 1,000 kicks" MARCUS LAVINE!!
(The lights in the arena go out as the opening lines of Kings Never Die sound out throughout the arena. 25 seconds into the song lights begin to light one after the other, crawling up the stage in red spotlights. There is a one second in between each individual spotlight turning on, and ten individual lights. The last light shows the figure of a kneeling Marcus LeVine, his wife standing behind him with her back to the fans. Marcus rises to his feet and all of the spotlights except for the one on him go out. He spreads his arms out to both sides and his wife slides around him and turns to face the crowd. She spits a red mist into the air and as she does the rest of the lights in the arena turn on and his red spotlight shuts off. Marcus takes Cassie's hand and the two walk down the ramp with their eyes not leaving the centre of the ring. Marcus lifts his wife onto the ring apron and she wraps her legs around the top rope, her head falls back and she hangs upside down facing Marcus, who gives her a lingering kiss. The sight of blood dripping from her mouth is evident as Marcus walks towards the steps and heads up and into the ring. Cassie gets out of her hanging position and slithers to the outside of the corner opposite of the one next to where Marcus entered the ring. Marcus rushes to that corner and climbs the turnbuckles, both he and Cassie spread their arms out wide before Marcus smirks and flips off the camera. )
Marcus comes into the ring. He sees the piles of men and is just laughing.
Marcus LaVine: This is the best ECWF got!
Marcus turns around and hops over the top rope and touches the floor.
Marcus LaVine eliminated himself
Demon: Why did he even waste a spot then. I could have of done that.
All the men get to their feet and Marcus heads to the back laughing and just never looking back. The guys are stunned by this. Forge spears Hammerstein. Chris R punches Chris S. Seth headbutts James. Christian clothesline Blitz. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
Julia Mexican: Now entering the ring at 29. He is 2017 WarTime Rumble winner. He is repping ECWF. He is the leader of THE TRUE KINGDOM. THE RESURRECTED ONE!!
("Burn In My Light" plays and The Resurrected One comes walking out. The crowd is going crazy and raising "TR1 Section" signs.)
TR1 sees James and the two start to battle as TR1 gets to the ring. Seth has Blitz hanging onto the ropes. Forge is attacking Christian and Hammerstein is clubbing Forge. Chris R & Chris S are still battleing. The clock counts down.
..........10 .........9 ........8 .......7 ......6 .....5 ...4 ...3 ..2 .1!
(Cold as Ice by M.O.P plays over the sound system as Konrad comes out through the curtain just wearing his blue and white mask with white hair along with his wrestling trousers with his nickname The Iceman on the front of them with Pit Bull Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands with a side cross necklace on his neck.)
Julia Mexican: From Cologne, Germany, he is The Iceman, KONRAD RAAB!!
(He then high fives the fans as he goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes and does a holdup on each turnbuckle and everyone cheers him as he gets down from the turnbuckle and does a few boxing punches to the cameras before he looks at his opponent waiting for the match to start.)
Demon: All 30 men announced. Lets get down to business it is about to pick your spots.
Chris R and Chris S are battling and Chris R dropkicks Chris S over the top rope onto the floor.
Chris Ravenna eliminated Chris Spades
Konrad is attacking Seth right now. Blitz is off the ropes and now Hammerstein is clubbing him. Seth hits a headbutt to Konrad. Konrad is straggering and Seth does a spin around clothesline knocking Konrad over the top rope onto the floor.
Seth Iser eliminated Konrad Raab
James & TR1 are battleing near the ropes. James hits a powerbomb into a chokeslam over the top rope onto the floor.
James Ceno eliminated The Resurrected One
Chrisian has Hammerstein on the turnbuckle and Blitz is trying to help as well. Seth is tackleing James. Hammerstein fights free. Blitz goes to hit a standing lionsault to Hammerstein but Hammerstein catches him. Hammerstein goes to eliminate Blitz with a powerslam but Blitz wiggles loose. Blitz pushes Hammerstein to the ropes and Christian pulls the top rope down to send Hammerstein over the top rope to the floor.
Blitz & Christian Michaels eliminated Jacob Hammerstein
Demon: OMG! There went my pick!
Hammerstein is crushed on the outside of the ring.Seth is battleing Forge. The two end up over the top rope on the apron. Seth misses a clothesline and Forge hits a snap dragon suplex. Seth bounces off of the apron and bounces to the floor as Forge rolls back into the ring.
Trenton Mitchell eliminated Seth Iser
Demon: Seth Iser was my new pick but he is gone! Dam!
James is now working on Christian. Christian is hitting some forearm shot. Chris comes over and hits in a shoulder thrust on a corner Christian. Christian starts to punch Chris and Christian climbs to the top turnbuckle. Chris goes to follow but gets pushed down bu Christian. Christian gets down from the turnbuckle onto the apron. James comes in and Christian locks in a vertical suplex. Christian tries to lift but couldn't. Then Chris comes in and hooks himself in. James & Chris lift and toss Christian to the outside floor.
James Ceno & Chris Ravenna eliminated Christian Michaels
Blitz hits a duel dropkick and Chris goes over the top rope and lands on the apron. James bounces off the ropes and hits a stunner by accident to Blitz. Blitz hits the mat hard. James gets to his feet and he dead german suplex lifts Blitz. James does a release german suplex over the top rope on the floor to Blitz.
James Ceno eliminated Blitz
James, Chris who rolls back into the ring, and Forge are in the middle of the ring. The three men are tired! They all exchange punches.
Matt Weiser: Who's your pick now Demon.
Demon: My pick is gonna be Chris Ravenna.
Forge blocks one and headbutts Chris sending him the corner. Forge gut kicks James and send him over to the ropes.Forge hits a spinning pendulum backbreaker on James. Forge hit that with enough force that he was able to throw out James over the top rope onto the ring floor.
Trenton Mitchell eliminated James Ceno
Demon: Wow! What force! I never seen or done a elimination like that before.
Matt Weiser: Wanna take back your pick?
Demon: Nope! Ravenna is still in this one.
Chris & Forge are standing toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring.
Demon: Indeed it is.
Forge & Chris are exhuasted! They are exchanging punches one right after the other. Forge starts to gain an advantage and leans Chris over to the ropes. Forge hits a brogue kick knocking Chris over the top rope onto the ring floor.
Trenton Mitchell eliminated Chris Ravenna
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the 2019 WarTime Rumble match and challenging for the World Heavyweight title at StarrCade XIII, Trenton "Forge" Mitchell!!!
(Trenton Mitchell is colpase in the middle of the ring as fireworks shoot from behind him. Robi Jean Mitchell comes running out to the ring. They two share a big time kiss as it is sinking in that he won the rumble.)

(The PPV comes to a end.)
End of Show