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![]() Date: March 31, 2019 Arena: "Madison Square Garden" in New York City, New York PPV Opener (The PPV opens with a video package showcasing the last XII [12] StarrCades ECWF ever had. While "Legend Rise" by Godsmack plays.) ... Eric Donavan superkicking The Resurrected One to retain his World Heavyweight title..... Rockin' Lunatic winning the 2010 Chamber of Horrors match to win the World Heavyweight title.... Bone Thugs N' Harmony performing...... James Champ winning a triple threat match to retain his World Heavyweight title...... Fat Foley Verison 2.0 defeating The Bodyguard to retain the Intercontinental title as Richard Smalls is whining that his client lost..... Kevin Hunter hits a F-5 and hold both World Heavyweight & Showtime titles from Chris Matthews..... Preston Carter Stark winning the Chamber of Horrors match to retain the Undisputed World Heavyweight title.... Dangerous Deanna & Lucy Williams standing tall over Destiny Hunter & Taylor Michaels..... And finally Mark McConnell, "The Great One" Dan Prosser, & Romeo epic showdown and how Mark McConnell stold tall at the end of StarCade I..... ... (After that fireworks shoot from the stage and the crowd in the jammed pack MSG is going crazy.) HOF inductions (The scene opens to Rock N' Roll God standing tall over the ECWF crowd. He is behind a podium. He starts to talk.) Rock N' Roll God: Welcome ECWF to StarrCade Twelve!! I am out here. To give you an entire list of people being inducted into the ECWF Hall of Fame. First we are going to induct a monster of the a man. He didn't do as much title wise. He gave the World Champion, my cousin The Giver, and Arcane a horrible time. He is "Insane Monster" Conargo!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: Now it is time to induct "The Magnifican Bastard" Arcane!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: Next will be the first ever Nex*Gen Champion. DeWayne "The Next Level" Davis!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: I am now inducting Demon's protege and was formerly named Jason Jones but he is now called Maniak!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: Eventhough these people left us on bad terms. I am still following through with my promises and inducting The Dragon Clan. "The Irish Dragon" Eric Donavan & his wife "Priestess of Pain" Lyra Donavan!! ![]() ![]() Rock N' Roll God: A former General Manager and his team and the first ever World 6-Man Tag Team Champions. The Resurrected One , Evan "Lord of Darkness" Moore, & Chaotic!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Rock N' Roll God: This man was a dominating force and now I am inducting him. "The Savage" Daniel Keegan!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: Finally I am inducting this team. The Dragon Slayers! "The Prodigy" Michael & "Hard Knox" Samuel Steele!! ![]() Rock N' Roll God: Well that is all I am inducting. So thank you all for looking at the guys and gal that made it into this year's HOF. Lets see who will make the big impact for 2020! (Rock N' Roll God heads to the back.) 2019 Icons Match Rockin' Lunatic vs. Syko Special Guest Referee: Brandon Bash Demon: This is my favorite part of StarrCade events. It is where two legends come out and put on a hell of a match. Winner is called a Icon. With Brandon Bash, Shock & Awe, Mr. B, & Lee Poison being already in it. That high honor is gonna get better of a whos who in ECWF. Matt Weiser: Refresh me, who is Shock & Awe? Demon: Well I'll educate you and the fans. Shock & Awe are the team of Marcus Cage & Dynamite. They are well known throughout the wrestling world and ECWF is no exception. Matt Weiser: Good to know. Now that you mentioned Brandon Bash. He is set to be special guest referee for this match. So lets get to it. (The scene opens to Brandon Bash standing in the center of the ring wearing a referee shirt.) ![]() (The fans are going crazy seeing this legend. He is smiling as he waves. Then all of a sudden Rock N' Roll God storms from the back to the ring.) Rock N' Roll God: I was just out here inducting everyone for this year class of Hall of Famers. Now I am out here to inform everyone including you Bashy. That Rockin' Lunatic & Syko couldn't make the PPV and this match is thrown out. I am sorry guys I don't know how to give you a match when the people involved won't show up. (Rock N' Roll God & Brandon Bash is sadden by this.) Triple Threat Tag Team match for the World Tag Team Championships The Dark Society (Mr. B & Jeff Williams)(c) vs. The Kingdom (Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott) vs. The 813 (Marco Rossi & Johnny Lobo Jr.) Julia Mexican: Here is the first match of the night. It is a triple threat tag team match for the ECWF World Tag Team Championships. First to the ring. They are the defending World Tag Team Champions. The team of "The Diabiologicial" MR. B & JEFF WILLIAMS! THE DARK SOCIETY!! ("Mouth" by Bush plays and the crowd boos as Mr. B & Jeff Williams walks out in a shield of darkness and smoke. They raise their arms and the smoke clears. The crowd boos as they removed their dark hooded robes to showcase their World Tag Team titles. They make their way down the ramp and Mr. B rolls underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring as Jeff Williams talks up the steps onto the apron. Jeff Williams climbs over the top rope to enter the ring. The two just stand there.) Julia Mexican: Now coming to the ring. At a combine weight of 347 pounds, the team of "Flaming Youth" MARCO ROSSI & "Extreme Werewolf" JOHNNY LOBO JR.! THE 813!! (You hear a wolf howl and then all of a sudden the song "Man on Fire" by Oh the Larceny plays. Johnny & Marco comes walking out through a feild of flames. The entrance ramp is lite up as the two is standing there. They make their way down the ramp to the ring. Johnny gets onto the apron and flips over the top rope as Marco gets on a nearby turnbuckle. Marco flips into the ring as well. Both men stand there awaiting for their opponents.) Julia Mexican: Finally to the ring. At a combined weight of pounds, the team of "Bad Ass" MIKE DIMTER & "The Bombshell" VICTORIA SCOTT! THE KINGDOM!! ("Cathedral" The Kingdom Theme Song w/Clock Ticking Intro by Phraze and Todd Andrew blasts throughout the arena...."The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott walk out onto the stage as the arena boo them then they walk down the ramp and they climb up onto the apron and they enter the ring. Referee Salty McGee checks Mike out.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Marco & Mike start the match off. Mike hits a running big boot to Marco right off the bat. Matt Weiser: Strong start by Mike Dimter. As Marco is down Mike goes for a immediate cover. .B lands first and Johnny hits a double axe handle drop on B. B & Johnny are standing off as Marco rolls over to their respective corner. The referee is seperating the guys as Victoria in the ring and stands by mark. Demon: Something is gonna happen this is exciting. Wow! mention exciting and Mr. B in the same situation I must be going bad. B goes back to his corner as Victoria gets to hers. Johnny gets in his. Marco hits a dropkick on Mike and Mike falls back to his corner and Victoria tags herself in. Victoria comes running in and hits a series of clotheslines on Marco and ends the series of moves with a samoan drop. Matt Weiser: What power shown by The Bombshell Victoria Scott. Demon: She is as tough if not tougher than the guys. Matt Weiser: Tougher?! Is that a real word? Demon: I don't know Matt. I just say it when it comes to me. Marco gets to his feet and hits a savate punch. Marco does a arm twist and drags Mike over to Johnny. Marco tags Johnny and Johnny jumps over the top rope and hits a double axe handle to Mike's arm. Johnny irish whips Mike to the ropes and as Mike comes Johnny hits a discus elbow. Mike falls back and Jeff tags himself in. Matt Weiser: Oh no! Johnny charges and Jeff hits a hiptoss on Johnny, but Johnny lands on the ropes and lands on his feet. Matt Weiser: What the hell did we just see? Demon: I don't know but it impressed everyone. Johnny hits a kick to Jeff's head. Johnny then does a crossbody but Jeff catches and hits a rib breaker. Jeff tags B in and B locks in a sleeper hold. Jeff climbs onto the apron. ... Victoria immediately breaks up the lock. Now B & Victoria are doing a stand off. Matt Weiser: What are we going to see? Victroria drags Johnny over and she gets on the apron. Victoria tags herself in. Victoria & B stands in the ring. Victoria hits to the ropes and lands a running diving crossbody. B falls back and accidently tags Marco. Marco gets in the ring and Victoria hits a legsweep. Marco jump kick up and lands a tough DDT onto Victoria. Victoria gets immediately up. Demon: What a tough chick! Victoria and Marco start to exchange series of punches. Then Marco lands a punch on Victoria sending her back to B's corner and B tags himself in. B immediately hits a pictuce perfect dropkick. As Marco turns around B hits a backstabber. B covers. .1 ..Johnny breaks up the count. Jeff gets in and the guys start exchanging punches. Somehow Victoria blind tags herself in. Demon: The referee is allowing this crazy action. Mike clotheslines Marco out of the ring. Johnny hits a dropkick knocking B out of the ring. Victoria flys and hits a diving crossbody onto Jeff and it sends him to the outside. Johnny & Victoria are standing in the ring Johnny hits a dropkick on Mike sending him to the outside. Mike & Marco & B & Jeff are battling each other on the outside. Victoria hits a electric chair drop on Johnny. Victoria powerbomb pick up and hits a buckle bomb to Johnny. Matt Weiser: Victoria Scott is working on Johnny Lobo Jr.'s back. Victoria hits a running knee strike on Johnny's head. Victoria scoop slams Johnny over the top rope. Johnny lands on Mike & Marco on the outside of the ring. B & Jeff are standing behind her. Demon: I forgot about them. B grabs Victoria's neck and places her onto Jeff's shoulders. B swings and hits a aided spinning neckbreaker! Matt Weiser: The Reverse Magic Killer. B covers Victoria. .1 ..2 ...3! Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Winners of the match and still ECWF World Tag Team Champions, Mr. B & Jeff Williams!! (Mr. B & Jeff Williams get handed their World Tag Team titles and stand tall as the other teams leaves the ring.) ![]() ![]() World 6-Man Tag Team Championship match The Age of Fall (Dan Anderson, Jay Reynolds, & Ken Hazzard) vs. The Helms Club (Chris Helms, Jake Helms, & Adam Helms) Julia Mexican: It is time for the vacated World 6-Man Tag Team Championship match. First to the ring at a combined weight of 666 pounds, they are the team of "The Future" DAN ANDERSON, JAY REYNOLDS, & KEN HAZZARD! THE AGE OF FALL!! ("We Are One" (WWE Edit) by 12 Stones begins to play over the PA System and Dan is the first one to come out. He looks to the left then to the right, a slight grin on his face then a few seconds later, he's joined by Jay Reynolds and Ken Hazzard. They look out to the crowd, Dan fist bumping both of them then they make their way down to the ring. Dan and Ken enter the ring while Jay goes around and climbs on the apron. Dan and Ken climbs to the second rope onto opposite turnbuckles on either side of Jay as he stands on the apron, facing the crowd. Jay holds up one finger while Ken puts his fists up to his cheeks and Dan places his right leg on the top rope, smirking as the three of them stare out into the crowd. After a few seconds, Dan and Ken hops down to the mat while Jay enters the ring. They regroup by the ropes and face the entrance way or their opponents, depending on who comes out first. Referee Nick Pack checks the guys.) Julia Mexican: Now their opponents. They are the returning legends. From Cookeville, TN! At a combined weight of 718 pounds, they are the team of CHRIS HELMS, JAKE HELMS, & ADAM HELMS! THE HELMS CLUB!! ("The Kings" by Run DMC plays and the crowd goes crazy as Chris Helms, Jake Helms, & Adam Helms make their way out. They are all in awe at the support of the fans. They make their way to the ring and enter it. Chris Helms stands in the ring as Referee Nick Pack checks him.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Chris & Dan start it off for the teams. Chris hits Dan with a forearm shot. Dan hits Chris with a big boot. Dan goes over and tags in Jay. Jay jumps in and Chris manages to tag Jake in. As Jay charges Jake hits a european uppercut and follows that with a series of them. Jake hits a exploder suplex. Demon: Jake Helms did not miss a beat. This man was excellent then and still is. Jake hits a scoop slam on Jay. Jay rolls over and gets to his feet. Jay lands a discus clothesline and Jake rolls over and tags Adam. Adam hops into the ring and hits a inverted facelock backbreaker. Adam goes for a quick pin. .1 ..Jay kicks out. Jay rolls over and tags in Ken. Ken comes stomping into the ring and hits a cravate suplex. Adam gets to his feet and Ken lands a hard shoulder jawbreaker. Matt Weiser: Ken Hazzard is landing tough moves. Adam gets over and tags in Chris. Ken charges and Chris immediately hits a flapjack. Chris is on fire as Ken rolls to the ropes and tags Dan. Chris tags in Adam. Jay pulls Chris & Jake to the outside of the ring floor. As Chris, Jake, & Jay are battling on the outside of the ring. Ken gets to the top rope and hits a cross body to all three. Adam was attempting to stop Ken. With Adam's back to Dan, Adam turns around and Dan hits a jumping cutter. Matt Weiser: The D.O.A! Dan covers. .1 ..2 ...3! Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Winners and new ECWF World 6-Man Tag Team Champions Dan Anderson, Jay Reynolds, & Ken Hazzard THE AGE OF FALL!! (The referee hands the guys the belts. All of sudden Dan Anderson gets a microphone.) "The Future" Dan Anderson: You know what. These belts say "Man" on it. Last time I knew women are not men. So how can women challenge and hold these belts when it is labeled for men. So we knew no matter whoever we face that we were gonna win. So I made ECWF brand new titles. So the World 6-Man Tag Team titles are dead. Which by the way is a way too long of a name anyways. We are introducing the ECWF Trios Championships. The Age of Fall are the current and long lasting champions and there will be no team in ECWF or anywhere that can take then from us. (The new reveal the new titles.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (As the three men leave the ring. Adam Helms, Chris Helms, & Jake Helms stand in the center of the ring. The crowd is cheering for them eventhough they lost. The three men have a smile on their faces. They pose on the nearby turnbuckle as "The Kings" by Run DMC plays.) Horror-Core Rules match for the Horror-Core Championship Charlie Feigel vs. Sully Sphinx (Rock N' Roll God is shown onto the big screen.) Rock N' Roll God: It's getting to the point that if you see me at the show in non-background segment then bad news is coming. I have been informed that their flights were delayed and both Sully Sphinx & Charlie Feigel wasn't able to make it to New York. Remember folks travelling is a pain to deal with. Sorry guys. (Rock N' Roll God disappears.) Fatal Four-Way match for the Women's Championship Emily Helms vs. April Dimter vs. Alios Zollin vs. Ashlynn Taylor Kage Julia Mexican: Now it is time for us to crown a new ECWF Women's Champion. It is for the vacated ECWF Women's Championship. First to the ring is the last known ECWF Divas Champion, the wife of Chris Helms. She comes from Cookeville, TN. She is a member of THE HELMS CLUB. EMILY HELMS!! ("The Kings" by Run DMC plays & Emily Helms comes walking out. Even holding her Divas title. The crowd is going crazy for her return. She makes her way down the ramp and slides underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring, She hands off her title and awaits for her opponent. Referee Julie McNally checks her.) Julia Mexican: Now it is time to welcome a new person to ECWF. She is the sister of Mike Dimter. She is apart of THE KINGDOM. She comes from APRIL DIMTER!!! ("Stars In The Night" by CFO$ blasts throuhout the arena...April Dimter along with "The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott walk on to the stage as the group walks down the ramp then April Dimter gets into the ring. Referee Julie NcNally sees her.) Julia Mexican: She is apart of THE SACRAMENT! She is accompanied by Mistress Osun & Xiang Zhu. ALIOS ZOLLIN!! ("Ministry" by Jim Johnston plays and Alios Zollin, Mistress Osun & Xiang Zhu comes down to the ring along they head to the ring. Mistress & Xiang stays on the outside as Alios enters the ring.) Julia Mexican: She is apart of THE LEGENDS OF PIAN! She is the daughter of Lynn & Kris Kage! She is accompanied by Rick Long. She is ASHLYNN TAYLOR KAGE!!! ("Monster in Me" by Big Smo plays and Ashlynn Taylor Kage comes out with Rick Long behind her. She is bubbly dancing down to the ring and she enters the ring ) Ding! Ding! Ding! Alios & Emily square off as April & Ashlynn squares off. April hits Ashlynn with a clothesline on Ashlynn. Alios hits a forearm shot to Emily. Matt Weiser: These 4 women are here to prove themselves. Demon: I am glad to have this amount of women to fight for that title. April & Alios have a bit of a stnad off. Alios immedaitely hits a hard scoop slam, she runs to the ropes, and lands a big elbow drop on April. Alios covers. Ashlynn & Emily break it up. Matt Weiser: Not even a 1 count. Emily & Ashlynn are just attacking Alios. Then Ashlynn & Emily pick Alios up and land a double suplex to Alios. Alios rolls out of the ring. Emily then hits Ashlynn with a backbreaker. Emily covers. .1 ..April breaks it up. April pulls Emily up by the hair and hits a release fisherwoman suplex. Emily rolls to the ropes as Alios gets back in. Alios hits a release fisherwoman suplex on her own on April. Ashlynn gets back in and Alios hits her with a hard headbutt and follows that with a swinging neckbreaker. Matt Weiser: Alios Zollin is impressive tonight. Demon: She has the power game but what else does she have? Alios is flexing for a bit as Emily gets back into the ring. Alios is unaware as Emily is standing behind her and hits a glam slam. Emily quickly covers. .1 ..2 ...Alios kicks out. Matt Weiser: Did that count from referee Julie McNally seem slow to you? Demon: No! The referee can get tired as much as the wrestlers. Seemed normally to me. Just then April and Ashlynn get back into the ring and all four women start attacking each other. April hits a superkick on Emily and Emily falls to the outside of the ring. Ashlynn throws April over the top rope and lands near Emily. Ashlynn gets onto the apron and Alios knocks her down to the ring floor. As Emily, Ashlynn, & April are on the outside of the ring. Alios runs to the ropes and as she comes back she does dive over the top rope onto the three women. ECWF Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Matt Weiser: Well that should answer your question eariler Demon. Alios is the first in the pile to get up. Alios rolls April underneath the bottom rope into the ring by her hair. Alios goes to slide in but Emily catches and pulls her back to hit the mat face first. Emily rolls underneath and April immedaitely hits a headbutt and as the two straggers April gets a snap suplex. Ashlynn is on the top rope, April sees it and goes over. April hits a superplex on Ashlynn. Out of the corner of your Alios flys and hits a splash onto April as she land. Demon: Alios Zollin can fly. Alios covers. .1 ..2 ...April kicks out. Matt Weiser: Again! That seemed like a slow count. I wonder what Julie McNally is thinking? Emily hits Alios in the back of the head and locks & hits a delayed crale suplex. Demon: You bragged about Alios Zollin, but Emily Helms has her own power game and hasn't missed a beat since she was last here. Matt Weiser: What was that back in 2015? Demon: Something like that. Alios rolls out of the ring. Emily gets nailed with a single leg dropkick from April and it sends Emily to the outside. April then has Ashlynn in a backslide pinning. April puts her feet on the ropes. .1 .2 .3! Demon: Was that a fast count? Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Winner and new ECWF Women's Champion, April Dimter!! (April Dimter is handed the Women's title and is happy with her victory.) ![]() 8 Man Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship "Pretty" Ricky Stanton vs. "American Alpha Wolf" Adam Gatner vs. Eric "The Cobra" Cobretti vs. Ace Jones vs. James Ceno vs. Alexander Thrace vs, Trailer Park Kid vs. "The Real Deal" Kevin Hunter Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the main event. It is 6 man ladder match. It was supposed to be a 8 man but "American Alpha Wolf" Adam Gatner & Eric "The Cobra" Cobretti have been fired from ECWF. So now without further adue lets welcome first to the ring. He is the Nex*Gen Champion. He is from Richmond, Virgina. He is "Pretty" RICKY STANTON!! (The lights go out and the black Superman logo appears on the big screen. Fall Out Boy’s "Centuries" starts to play.) Some legends are told Some turn to dust or to gold But you will remember me Remember me, for centuries Just one mistake Is all it will take We'll go down in history Remember me for centuries Remember me for centuries (Boom! Pyros goes off as the Pretty Boy comes down the ramp with two gorgeous ladies on each arm. He’s wearing a glittering wrestling robe and it shines as the spotlight falls on him. He leaves the ladies outside as he walks to the center of the ring, drops to his knees and points at the sky for a moment. He then gets up and flaunts the robe, eventually taking it off and going to his corner.) Julia Mexican: Here comes "The Firestorm" JAMES CENO!! (“Hell” by Disturbed plays and James Ceno comes to the ring.) Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome to the ring at this time. TRAILER PARK KID!! (The opening organ chords of “Go to sleep” by Eminem hits the PA system which pumps up the crowd. The Trailer Park Kid walks out from back with his trusty Louisville Slugger wooden baseball bat resting on his shoulder. He begins to walk down the ramp wearing his usual white wife beater, baggy blue jeans, and timberland boots as he smacks the occasional fans hand. He slides into the ring, jumps up on the top turnbuckle, and raises his bat in the air to the pleasure of the fans as they cheer him on. He tosses his bat to the one of the staff members near the ring announcer and cracks his knuckles as he awaits the bell to ring.) Julia Mexican: He is the leader of THE SACRAMENT! He is "The Gladitor, The Hammer" ALEXANDER THRACE!! ("Ministry" by Jim Johnston plays and Alexander Thrace comes marching out.) Julia Mexican: Lets welcome next. "Hollywood' ACE JONES!! ("Coma" By Issuses plays and Ace Jones comes out.) Julia Mexican: Finally to the ring. He is "The Real Deal" KEVIN HUNTER (The lights go out as "DUST" by Tremonti plays over the speakers, the crowd goes wild as Kevin Hunter and Allie Knight stepped onto the stage, Hunter stood on top of the ramp, looking around the arena as the crowd roared in cheers. The Devil Incarnate slowly started to walk down the ramp, making it to the end of the ramp. Allie Knight walked over to one side outside of the ring as Hunter walked up the stell steps, methodically making his way into the ring as Allie Knight slipped into the ring under the ropes on the other side. Hunter slowly stepped up onto the turnbuckle looking around the arena as the crowd erupted into a loud roar of cheers, the Devil looked at the ramp awaiting his prey.. As the 6 men are in the ring the bell sounds.) Ding! Ding! Ding! All 8 men start to battle each other. Ace is facing off with Alexander. Kevin battles with James. Ricky battles Trailer. Alexander hits a one arm swinging neckbreaker on Ace. Ricky hits a armbar takedown on Trailer. Kevin hits a high knee on James. Ace, Trailer, & James rolls to the outside of the ring. Alexander hits a shoulder lifting headlock driver ddt on Kevin. Matt Weiser: F -n 5!! Ricky hits Alexander with a flying clothesline as Kevin rolls to the outside and Alexander rolls out the outside. As all other 5 guys are on the outside, Ricky runs and hits a suicide dive onto all men. ECWF Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Demon: Look at that pile of humanity, Ricky gets to his feet and the first thing he does is slide a ladder into the ring. Ricky goes in with it and Ace is the first to follow into the ring. Ricky & Ace get to their feet and Ace hits a dropkick onto Ricky. Ricky falls back to the corner. Ace sets up the ladder in the ring and as he tries clim it but Ricky pushes the ladder over and Ace hits the next corner. Ricky resets the ladder up but by then Trailer is in the ring and hits a Ricky with a ddt. Alexander hits Trailer with a swinging side slam backbreaker. Matt Weiser: Chainlink! As Alexander looks to be getting to the ladder. James comes into the ring and hits Alexander with a haymaker punch and a leg kick. James then hits Alexander with a butterfly suplex. Ace gets back to his feet and hits James with a springboard kick. Kevin gets into the ring and hits Ace with a dropkick. Ace hits the ropes and comeback but Kevin hits a snap scoop powerslam. Ace rolls out of the ring. Ricky is in the ring and hits Kevin with a springboard suplex. Matt Weiser: Everyone is getting their moves in. Demon: Its a 6 man ladder match. We can't catch it all. Ricky gets hit with a inverted suplex slam as Ace gotten back into the ring. Alexander hits Ace with a release northern lights suplex. Trialer comes in and hits Alexander with a forearm shot. Trailer lands a tough hip toss on Alexander. Demon: Trailer Park Kid has some power because Alexander Thrace doesn't look like a small guy. Alexander rolls out of the ring. Trailer starts to climb the ladder. Kevin gets up the ladder as well. Trailer and Kevin start to punch each other. As that is happening. Ricky powerbombs Kevin and James powerbombs Trailer respectively. Ace is getting into the ring and Ricky just tosses him into the corner and follows that with mounted punches. Alexander is trying to get back into the ring. James allows Alexander to get up but James hits a dropkick to Alexander's knee. James follows that with a release dragon suplex. Matt Weiser: James Ceno is truly a firestorm. Ace gets under Ricky and hits a low blow. Ricky is holding onto his nuts and is bent over. Ace hits a superkick to Ricky's face. Ricky falls out of the ring. Ace gets onto the ropes and jumps onto Trailer & Kevin on the outside of the ring. The 4 guys are on the floor. ECWF Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Alexander hits powerbomb on James into the corner. Alexander brings James out of the corner and hits a discus lariat. Ace gets back into the ring. Alexander puts Ace in a gory buster but Alexander makes it into a faceplant. Matt Weiser: Weapon X!! Ace rolls out of the ring. Demon: That was a hard hit so I guess Ace Jones might be done. Alexander gets up on the ladder. Alexander is in arm reach. Ricky climbs up the ladder and does a thumb to Alexander's eyes. Ricky does a superplex from the ladder onto Trailer, James, and Kevin on the outside. Ricky & James are the first two to the ring and both men climb the ladder. Ricky & James are punching each other on the ladder. A man runs down. Demon: Who the hell is that? Matt Weiser: Looks to be Marco Rossi. Marco gets onto the apron. Marco does a springboard dropkick to Ricky from outside to inside the ring. Ricky falls off the ladder and James has a smile on his face as he looks to grabs. Demon: What the hell! James Ceno is getting the World Heavyweight Championship just handed to him thanks to Marco Rossi? Kevin does a springboard jump from the top of the ropes and lands on the ladder. Kevin quickly climbs up and pulls the title off. James is shocked that all that happened. Demon: Hahaha! Kevin Hunter just stole that from James Ceno. Ceno can not believe it. Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Winner and new ECWF World Heavyweight Champion, Kevin Hunter!! (Referee Shawn Charleson hands Kevin Hunter the World Heavyweight Championship. Kevin Hunter holds up 5 fingers in the air signalling that is now a 5 times ECWF World Champion.) ![]() PPV ENDS! |