Day: Friday Nights
Time: 8pm central
Arena: "ECWF Arena" in West Hollywood, CA

Theme Song: "Resistance" by Powerflo
Show Opener
(The scene opens to a jammed pack ECWF arena in West Hollywood, California. "Resistance" by Powerflo plays and fireworks shoot from the stage. The crowd goes nuts.)

(Once the fireworks settles and the crowd settles down the camera goes to Matt Weiser & Demon at their announcer's table.)

(Matt Weiser opens talks first.)
Matt Weiser: Welcome to the hundred and forty seventh episode of Friday Night Revolution. Tonight we are back here on regular showing. We had a tv deal with Mixer streaming service but it feel through and Rock N' Roll God has gotten us back on our regular service for all ECWF fans to watch around the world.
Demon: Yeah the problem with that crap was you couldn't hear me and Matt at all. I didn't like it because that takes away from my pay check.
Matt Weiser: Yes! But lets forget that horrible mistake and forcus on tonight.
Demon: Like tonight's main event is going to be a great one. I think it's been 2 years since the World Heavyweight Championship been defended on Revolution. I think me and Matt called it when Eric Donavan won the 8 person World Heavyweight Championship tournament back in 2017. So this title match between five time World Champion Kevin Hunter & Johnny Bellion is going to be a great one.
Matt Weiser: It will be. Also tonight our Women's Championship will be on the line as the "Flawless" "The Thrillbilly" Nikki Walton will defend it against April Dimter. These two are have been in a heat battle for this belt since Nikki Walton won it at the live viewing of Royal Flush over in London, England.
Demon: Their rivalary reminds me of Dangerous Deanna versus Hannah Walters. Well....I think DD and Hannah gave a bit more to themselves than this but still this fued-slash-rivalary is going to be one for the ages! Then I think I saw a triple threat Horror-Core Rules match for the vacated Horror-Core Championship. As number one contender and that bastard that I hate the most Mr. B will face a returning Krayzie Death who has dubbed himself King of Horror-Core and this random ass Frenzy member named Big Jake! Far as I am concern none of those Frenzy whether it be Mark, Chris, Will, Matt, and now this Big Jake can't be trusted.
Matt Weiser: I know on record you hate Mr .B because he was always a pain in the ass during your time in ECWF but what is the deal with The Frenzys?
Demon: You know what Matt! That is a history lesson should be set for it's own show. I personally don't get along with Mark & Chris because they two targetted me whether I was World, Hardcore, or Global Tag Team champion.
Matt Weiser: Thats a rabbit hole we should go down later. But I wanna announce our second match and it will be The Age of The Fall's Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard set to defend their World Tag Team Championships against The Kingdom's Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott.
Demon: This is still new to me this Intergender teams allowed to challenge for the World Tag Team titles. But I digress because this is 2019 and not 1950! So seeing this on a ECWF show is crazy but I will call it down the line as I see it. So that leaves me with announcing the first match of the night. It will be a Nex*Gen Championship as The Age of The Fall's "The Future" Dan Anderson along side his beautiful girlfriend Lilth Frost defends that belt against The Greatness's founder & leader Mark "Better Than You" Frenzy with his lovely wife Megan Frenzy by his side. "Better Than You"! What is their a dead corpse next to him or something because I wouldn't know who Mark would be better than. Back in the day he couldn't hold my boot to even beat me.
Matt Weiser: Come on Demon! Thats not nice.
Demon: Never said I was....
Matt Weiser: Hey sorry Demon to cut you off but I am getting word about Kevin Hunter & The Sons of Chaos arriving in the back. Lets go to the back.
(The scene cuts from them.)
Segment 1

(The scene shows Kevin Hunter with Allie Knight on his back, Damien Hellfire, & Simon Sparx all arriving in the parking lot of the ECWF arena on their Harley Davidson motorcycles. As they park, take off their helmets, and get off the bikes a bunch of hooded men attack the guys while Allie is screaming. The hooded men is hitting Damien, Kevin, & Simon with lead pipes as chains.)
Demon: What the hell! Someone get back there.
(A man in a business suit holding a crowbar appears and as the hooded men are holding Kevin Hunter down. The business suit man strikes Kevin hard in the left knee and you hearing Kevin screaming...)
"The Real Deal" Kevin Hunter: I think you broke it! I think you broke it!
(After that all the people including the man in the business suit run out of the area towards the ECWF arena. Once they all clear out you see a bloody Damien getting to his feet and Simon crawling over to Kevin. Kevin is death gripping his knee and Allie is screaming for people to get help. The scene cuts back to Matt & Demon.)
Back to Ringside
(Demon is the first to talk.)
Demon: What the hell did we just watch?
Matt Weiser: Did I hear Kevin Hunter right? He thought his knee is broken? What does that mean for tonight's main event?
Demon: I don't know Matt! This is a dam shame that hooded men and some dickface in a business suit just came in and ruined our World Champion.
Matt Weiser: That was the thing we didn't see his face, so we don't know who he is.
Demon: I wanna get to the bottom of this by teh end of the night.
Matt Weiser: I think we will but here is a segment produced by the newest ECWF Woman. She is "The bad girl" Heather Haze! It is prerecorded folks.
(The scene cuts from the shocked guys.)
Segment 2
(Our scene opens up in the backstage area of the LA Staples Centre. The camera's are currently in the parking garage as a long stretch limo begins to pull inside the arena. As the limo continues to roll in the fans can be heard all the way from the ring, excited to learn who is inside that limousine. A smartly dressed man steps out from the driver’s seat and slowly starts to make his way towards the back. The camera follows him closely as he finally opens the back door and the first thing we see are a pair of slender sexy legs hitting the ground. A petite brunette steps out of the limo and we see that it’s none other than 'The Bad Girl' Heather Haze, the newest wrestler to join ECWF! Dressed in a short denim mini-skirt, white fur coat, and matching boots, she then reaches into her purse and hands the driver some money before starting to walk inside the arena.)

Matt Weiser: Oh my GOD?! that who I think it is?! That's-That's Heather Haze!! She's here!!
Demon: We've been hearing the rumors all day, and we can now confirm that the hottest free agent in wrestling has arrived over to ECWF. And that too in grand style, folks.
Matt Weiser: Well, she has yet to sign a contract from what I was told. She's probably here at the Staples Centre to scout the competition... or perhaps get a feel of the place.
Demon: She's most certainly welcomed here anytime! I hope she eventually does sign with the company. ECWF would be glad to have her on board. I know I would.
Matt Weiser: We shall see, Casanova. Rock N' Roll G better do all he can to nab her quick.
(The camera opens backstage to Heather Haze this time seen walking down the hallway while exchanging several glances at some of the ECWF talents and staffs passing by as they give her dirty looks. A camera nearby follows her every move as she takes the first opportunity at hand to speak her mind.)

"The Bad Girl" Heather Haze: For those of you who don't know me. I suggest you go grab some paper, a pen, and start taking some notes because I will only say this once. My name is Heather Haze. Bad bitch extraordinaire. And I have wrestled all over the country, making history with companies like APEX Wrestling, Vendetta Wrestling Alliance, and Legacy Wrestling Alliance. Don't believe me? Well, I am the only female to ever hold the APEX Collateral Damage Championship. I was the first ever VWA Vixen's Champion and the last ever LWA Women’s Champion. I have beaten every single one in my path and backed down from nothing! Backstage politics tried to end my career. The wrestlers in the back who wished they had my success tried to run me out of every goddamn company I have been in. But I stood tall, time and time again.

"The Bad Girl" Heather Haze: Now you might be wondering: Why you should care about my history? Why should you care about APEX, VWA, LWA, and all my accomplishments in those federations? The answer is rather simple actually. It's because everything I've done has led me to this stage right here. It has led me to Extreme Championship Wrestling Federation. It made me the superstar that I am today and it has lead me to the realization that as I look around at these fans, and as I look around at the wrestlers in the back. I come to one simple conclusion....I am greatness personified. Let's be honest, there isn't a single person backstage or in that ring that even comes close to me and all that I have accomplished in this business. I am a self made woman. I am the woman that everyone wishes they could be and that every man wishes they could be with. And I have no doubt that I will take this company by storm, because I am as 'Xtreme' as they cum. You might as well put a disclaimer on me cause I'm about to break every mother f*cking rule there is. So with that being said...Rock n' Roll God, come up with a right figure for my contract. Until then... I'm outta here.
(Heather then continues to walk down the long corridor before making a quick stop by the vending machine. She grabs some money out of her purse and feeds it to the machine before making her selection. The machine quickly dispenses her choice of drink as she bends down and retrieves it out of the tiny compartment, while also purposely flashing her pink thong to the camera with her skirt riding all the way up her ass. She then takes a refreshing sip of her soda before heading to her waiting limo that was double parked outside. She opens the back door and gets settled in her leather seat as the driver glances at her from his rear-view mirror.

Driver: Where to Miss. Haze?

"The Bad Girl" Heather Haze: As far away from this cesspool city.
(Heather laughs at the deafening boos coming from the pissed off LA fans as she slides back in her seat comfortably, showing a lot of arrogance. The limo then drives off into the night as the scene fades.)
Back to Ringside
(The scene shows Matt Weier & Demon at their table and Matt Weiser is the first to talk.)
Matt Weiser: That was a intro and a half if I saw so.
Demon: Hell yah me too.
Matt Weiser: Now lets get to the first match of the night. It is for the Nex*Gen Championship. Take it away Julia!
(The scene goes to the ring.)
Nex*Gen Championship Match: Dan Anderson(c) vs. Mark Frenzy
(The scene shows Julia Mexican in the center of the ring.)

Julia Mexican: Welcome everyone to the first match of the night. It is set for one fall! With a 20 minute time limit. And it is for the Nex*Gen Championship!
(The scene goes to the entrance ramp.)
Julia Mexican: First lets welcome to the ring. He is accompanied by his wife Megan Frenzy. He is the leader of The Greatness! He hails from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in a two hundred and forty three pounds. He is Better Than You! MARK FRENZY!!
(The arena darkens and "For The Glory" by All Good Things plays. Smoke fills the entrance ramp and a bright light shows as Mark Frenzy is standing there with his back to everyone.)

(He turns around and poses as Megan Frenzy comes walking out behind him. The two share a kiss and make their way down the ramp to the ring. Mark walks up the steel steps and makes his way through the ropes as Megan stays on the outside. He does his bend forwards and goes to arm stretched pose as the lights turn back on. He has a big smile on his face as the crowd boos him. He is ingores them as he screams.)
Mark Frenzy: I'm Better Than You
(He points to a crowd member. The song ends as Julia Mexican announces the champion.)
Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome to the ring. He is accompanied by Lilth Frost. He is from Phoenix, Arizona. He weighs in a two hundred thirty nine pounds. He is the reigning Nex*Gen Champion. "The Future" DAN ANDERSON!
(The scene goes back the entrance ramp as the arena turns dakr blue. Lights flash around as "Playing the Saint" by Digital Summer plays. Dan Anderson comes walking out with Lilth Frost by his side.)

(They make their way down to the ring. The fans do not know how to react to them because they don't slap anyone hands as the go down. All Dan is doing is patting his Nex*Gen title. Dan slides underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring while Lilth stays on the outside. Dan takes off his Nex* Gen title and raises it up in the air as he gets face to face with Mark. Referee Nick Pack serperates the two and Dan hands the belt over to him. Dan & Mark get into their respective corners. Dan's music ends. The referee signals for the bell for the match to begin.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Dan & Mark does a collar&elbow lock it up. Mark pushes Dan to the floor. Mark starts to laugh and flexes his arm.
Demon: See Matt! Can't trust a Frenzy!
Mark kicks Dan in the gut as Dan gets up and hits a snap suplex. Mark is laughing as Dan rolls from his back to his chest. Mark then goes for another suplex and Dan counters with a thumb to the eyes. Dan awaits for Mark to turn around and Dan immediately hits a big boot sending Mark to the turnbuckle. Dan goes over and does a 10 count punch to Mark.
ECWF crowd: .1 ..2 ...3 ....4 .....5 ......6 .......7 ........8 .........9 ..........10!
Dan jumps down and Mark falls face first to the floor. As Mark is face down, Dan goes for a ankle lock and Mark immedaitely gets to the ropes and pulls himself out. Mark is at his corner where Megan is there. She consoles Mark as the referee counts...
Referee Nick Pack: .1 ..2 ...3 ....4
Mark leaves Megan and gets back into the ring. Mark kicks Dan in the gut and hits a DDT. Mark goes for a cover.
Referee Nick Pack: .1 ..
Dan kicks out! Mark immediately goes back on the offensive and does a deadlift Uranage to Dan. Dan rolls over to the ropes where Lilth is on the outside. She consoles him as Dan gets to his feet. Mark is informing the referee that it is cheating of somesorts but the referee is not buying it. Dan gets to his feet and does a running dropkick to Mark. Mark falls to his back and Dan follows that with a running leg drop. Dan then applies a grounded sleeper hold and Mark immediately gets to a rope to break the hold. Mark is holding his throat saying he was being choked but the referee wasn't buying that. Mark goes towards and Dan hits a snap scoop powerslam out of no where but Mark's feet hits the referee. Referee falls down.
Demon: Look a referee bump!
Matt Weiser: That is terrible that the referee got hurt.
Megan slides in a chair to Mark and Mark gets up & goes to swing. Dan turns and gets hit with a chair to the head. Referee is still down as Mark goes to cover. Mark sees that is furstrated by it. Mark gets up and helps the referee. By then as Mark is getting the referee up. Dan hits a low blow to Mark while the referee still didn't see it. Dan hits a leg tapped reverse STO!
Matt Weiser: Taste of Defeat!
Dan goes for a cover as the crowd boos.
Referee Nick Pack: .1 ..2 ...
Mark kicks out. Dan is shocked by this and is argueing with the referee as if it should have been a 3! Dan turns around Mark hits him with a thumb to the eye followed by a go behind to a release tiger suplex.
Matt Weiser: What a tiger suplex!
Mark couldn't capitalized with a bridge and Dan rolls to the ropes. As Dan gets up Mark comes over and does a slingshot suplex. Dan again rolls near the ropes so Mark can't get a pinfall.
Demon: Great ring awareness by Dan Anderson.
Mark geos near Dan to do a move but Dan does a european uppercut and follows that with a go behind release german suplex. Dan couldn't get the enough energy to hit a bridge so Mark rolls to the ropes and Megan is there consoleing him. Dan goes over and picks Mark up. Mark is able to gut kick and hits a fisherman buster.
Matt Weiser: Last Remarks!
Mark went for a covers.
Referee Nick Pack: .1 ..2 ...
Dan kicks out. Mark is upset that "that" didn't put Dan away. Mark and the referee start to argue. Meanwhile Lilth sees the chair from behind and slides it into the ring. Mark stomps on it and stops it. Mark picks it up and the referee is yelling that he better now use that. Mark throughs the chair to the outside and when he turns around Dan hits a jumping cutter.
Matt Weiser: D.O.A!
Dan covers.
Referee Nick Pack: .1 ..2 ...3!
Referee signals for the bell.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
(Dan Anderson is handed the Nex*Gen title as Julia Mexican says.)
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and still ECWF Nex*Gen Champion! "The Future" DAN ANDERSON!!
(Dan Anderson is celebrating in the ring as Lilth Frost enters it. The two hug and Dan Anderson puts the belt around his waist. Mark Frenzy rolls out of the ring and Mark & Megan make their way to the back as the scene fades with Dan Anderson standing tall.)

Back to Ringside
(The scene comes to Matt Weiser & Demon at ringside. Matt is the first one to talk.)
Matt Weiser: Now that was a show opener!
Demon: I agree!
Matt Weiser: The dirtiest one got the wins the match and it was Dan Anderson.
Demon: Yeah the old manager slides the chair routine and gets intercepted!
Matt Weiser: Done it before?
Demon: Suprisingly no! I have had it done to me but never done by me.
Matt Weiser: I am getting word that Kevin Hunter is being loaded into the ambulance.
Demon: Well that's a dam shame.
Matt Weiser: Now I am getting word that Johnny Bellion is arriving with his buddy Tommy Kent in a limo. Lets see it live.
(The scene leaves the announcers.)
Segment 3
(The scene shows World Heavyweight Challenger Johnny Bellion & Tommy Kent pulling up in a limo.)

(As the two get their bags the hooded men show up and surround Tommy & Johnny. Johnny and Tommy stick their hands up as Johnny says.)
Johnny Bellion: Now guys we don't want no trouble.
(The hooded men just attack them anyways. They hit Johnny & Tommy with steel pipes, chains, and other stuff. The men have Johnny pinned down and you see the man in the business suit walking up.)
Johnny Bellion: Come on help us.
(The business suit man reveals his crowbar and then he smacks Johnny in the mouth. Johnny is bleeding, screaming, and holding his mouth. The business suit man and the hooded leave. EMTs is showing up as Tommy is screaming for help. The scene goes back to the ringside.)
Back to Ringside
(The announcers are just stunned at what they watched. Demon talks first.)
Demon: What the hell is going on? These men and this business suit man is running rampage in the parking lot.
Matt Weiser: I know Demon. We demand answers!
Demon: Rock N' Roll God, himself, said into my headset that he will get answers tonight since both men in the main event are in the hospital.
Matt Weiser: Yeah it is what I'm hearing that the EMTs are louding Johnny Bellion and taking him to the hospital.
Demon: Well with Rock N' Roll God saying he will get his answers tonight. It is time for the World Tag Team title match.
Matt Weiser: Take it away Julia!
(The scene goes to the ring.)
World Tag Team Championship match: The Age of the Fall(c) vs. The Kingdom
(The scene cuts to Julia Mexican in the center of the ring.)
Julia Mexican: This match is set for one fall! With a 20 minute time limit. First to the ring is the reigning and defending ECWF World Tag Team Champions. They are at a combine weight of four hundred and twenty seven pounds. They are also two-thirds of the Trios Champions. They are the team of Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard! THE AGE OF THE FALL!!
(As she finished that you hear "We Are One" by 12 Stones. The crowd has a mixed feeling as Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard comes out.)
(Jay & Ken make their way down the ramp to the ring wearing the World Tag Team titles. They left the Trios titles in the back. They slide underneath the bottom ropes to enter the ring. Referee Salty McGee is checking them out as Julia Mexican says.)
Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome to the ring. They are the challengers. They are at a combine weight of three hundred and sixty eight pounds. They are the team of "The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott. THE KINGDOM!
("Cathedral" by WCPM plays and Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott comes out.)
(The two make their way to the ring. They enter the ring and Jay & Ken start attacking. Music ends and referee Salty McGee signals for the bell.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Jay & Ken waste no time in stomping both Victoria & Mike.
Demon: Ken Hazzard & Jay Reynolds ain't playing in this match. Not giving The Kingdom a chance to get themselves together.
Jay & Ken let Mike get to his feet as they double dropkick Mike over the top rope onto the floor. As soon as Mike is out of hte ring Ken hits Victoria with a package piledriver.
Matt Weiser: Fatality!
Demon: Are you even calling moves right now to this massacre.
Jay then picks up Victoria and hits a small package driver and hooks her leg for a pin.
Matt Weiser: One Hit Wonder!
Referee Salty McGee: .1 ..2 ...3!
Referee signals for the bell.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Winners of the match and still ECWF World Tag Team Champions, Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard. THE AGE OF THE FALL!
("We are One" by 12 Stones plays as Referee Salty McGee hands the titles over to Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard. Victoria Scott rolls to the outside. Victoria Scott & Mike Dimter head to the back as the scene fades with Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard celebrate in the ring.)
Back to Ringside
(As the ring is being cleared the scene goes to Matt Weiser & Demon at their table. Demon is the first one to talk.)
Demon: Well that was a historic title defense match for the ages. I saw stomps, duel dropkicks, and two finishers.
Matt Weiser: What does all that mean?
Demon: Nothing really just don't ever remember my matches being that short. Me & my brother Jesse Rinker would take out time in handing out ass beatings to our challengers.
Matt Weiser: You never gotten paid by the hour though.
Demon: Not the point I cherrish the violence to my opponents.
Matt Weiser: As far as violence goes you are definitely going to love this next match.
Demon: Don't tell me it's time for the Horror-Core Championship match!?
Matt Weiser: Julia take it away.
(The scene goes to Julia Mexican in the ring.)
Triple Threat Horror-Core Rules match for the Horror-Core Championship: Jake Frenzy vs. Krayzie Death vs. Mr. B
(The scene shows Julia Mexican in the center of the ring.)
Julia Mexican: This match is for the vacated Horror-Core Championship! It is a triple threat Horror-Core rules match. Meaning the first to score a pinfall or submission wins the match and becomes the champion. First to the ring. He comes from Memphis, Indiana. He weighs in one hundred and eighty five pounds. He is dubbed himself "The King of Horror-Core" KRAYZIE DEATH!!
("Undead" by Hollywood Undead plays and the crowd doesn't know how to react because they still don't know who he is. Krayzie Death comes walking out.)

(Krayzie walks out and screams.)
"King of Horror-Core" Krayzie Death: I'm Krayzie Death bitches!
(Krayzie makes his way down the ramp and rolls underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring. Referee Robert Charleson is standing by as the music ends and Julia announces.)
Julia Mexican: Now here comes the second in this match. He is from Michigan City, Indiana. He is the leader of The Dark Society. He weighs in at two hundred and sixty pounds. He is The Diabiologicial. MR. B!!
("Last Resort" by Papa Roach plays as the arena goes dark. A spotlight hits on the entrance ramp as the smoke fills the floor. Mr. B comes walking out.)

(The crowd boos loudly, then B has a smerk on his face. He ignores them and he to the ring. He gets down to the ring and walks up the steel steps. He climb through the ropes to enters the ring. He makes his way to the center of the ring and stands there as the lights turn back on and the music ends. Julia Mexican announces.
Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome the final entrant to this match. He is accompanied by Matt & Will Frenzy. He hails from New York City, New York. He is apart of Dogs of War group of The Greatness faction. He weighs in three hundred pounds. He is known as "BIG" JAKE FRENZY!!!
("Dogs of War" by Blue Saraceno plays and all three Matt, Will, and "Big" Jake Frenzy comes out.)

(All three men head to the ring and Jake Frenzy climbs onto the apron and climbs over the top rope. Jake poses leaning on the nearby ropes in front of the other guys. Referee RObert Charleson signals for the bell for the match to begin.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Krayzie and B charges and Jake punches both men. Jake laughs.
Demon: He sure is a big boy!
Jake hits a leg drop onto B and B rolls out of the ring. As B is on the outside Matt & Will run over and start to attack him. Matt slides in a steel chair to Jake and Jake smashes Krayzie in the head with it. Jake then drops the chair and deadlift powerbomb Krayzie two times and then on the third he switches to a death valley driver.
Matt Weiser: Jake calls that combo A Bad Situation!
Jake pins Krayzie as Matt & Will holds B down.
Referee Robert Charleson: .1 ..2 ...3!
Robert Charleson signals for the bell.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and new ECWF Horror-Core Champion. "Big" Jake Frenzy!!
("Dogs of War" by Blue Saraceno plays as Jake, Matt, & Will Frenzy are proud of this victory. The referee hands the Horror-Core title over to Jake as the three pose in the ring. Mr. B is mad and leaves ringside. Krayzie Death rolls out of the ring and heads to the back.)

Back to Ringside
(The scene goes back to announcer's table. Demon is the first one to talk.)
Demon: Well that was just terrible. These three jerks are like their dad and they ruin matches right and left.
Matt Weiser: Hey the first match that Mark Frenzy had tonight was great.
Demon: Yeah that might be true but back in the day Mark was a terrible child himself to deal with.
Matt Weiser: I guess you would know seeing how you was around back then. Now lets get onto the next match because I see teh ring is cleared with everyone going to the back. Take it away Julia!
(The scene goes to the ring.)
Women's Championship match: Nikki Walton(c) vs. April Dimter
(The scene shows Julia Mexican standing in the center of the ring.)
Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the Women's Championship. First to the ring is the challenger. She is from Philedelphia, Pennislyvania. She weighs in one hundred and fifteen pounds. She is apart of The Kingdom. APRIL DIMTER!!
("Stars in The Night" by CFO$ plays and April Dimter comes out.)

(April poses and the crowd boos her. She doesn't care and skips down to the ring. She walks up the steel steps onto the apron. She climbs through the ropes to enter the ring. Referee Julie McNally is in the ring. She checks April as Julia Mexican announces.)
Julia Mexican: Now lets welcome to the ring. Our defending Women's Champion. She weighs in at one hundred and thirty pounds. "The Thrillbilly" "The Flawless" NIKKI WALTON!
("Take It Off" by The Donnas and Nikki Walton comes out.)

(Nikki Walton flexes and then does a hand-spring. She makes her way down to the ring and the crowd is going nuts for her. The belt stays around her waist the entire time. She jumps onto the apron and jumps over the top rope to enter the ring. She hands off the belt to Referee Julie McNally. The music ends the referee holds the belt over her head. Referee checks Nikki Walton and after that signals for the bell.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Nikki & April do series forearm smashes.
Demon: Starting off strong.
Just then Nikki does a eye rack. As April is holding her eyes and turning around Nikki hits the zigzag.
Matt Weiser: The Thrillbilly Ride!
Nikki covers April.
Referee Julie McNally: .1 ..2 ...3!
The referee signals for the bell.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and still ECWF Women's Champion, "The Flawless" "The Thrillbilly" NIKKI WALTON!!
("Take it Off" by The Donnas plays and the referee hands the belt over to Nikki Walton. The scene ends with Nikki Walton celebrating in the ring.)

Back to Ringside
(The scene goes back to announcers. Matt Weiser starts to talk.)
Matt Weiser: Well that was Thrilling! hahaha!
Demon: Seriously! A nickname pund?
Matt Weiser: Yes I had too.
Demon: No you didn't but anyways it looked like April Dimter was no match for our champion Nikki Walton. Simply Flawless that match was.
Matt Weiser: Demon, what the hell?!
Demon: Now Matt it is a long night and we still got one thing to deal with.
Matt Weiser: Oh yeah the business suit man that attacked Kevin Hunter & Johnny Bellion.
Demon: Lets get to it.
(As the ring is cleared it goes to the ring.)
Ending Segment
(The scene opens a man in black in the backstage area in pure darkness. The man starts to talk.)

Mystery Man (With disrupted voice): Welcome to MY ECWF!! You see me and my associates destroyed this main event. And now you will see who I really am!
(The scene fades and cuts to the ring. Then all of a sudden the arena lights turn off. The song "Kings Never Die" by Eminem ft. Gwen Stefani. Then the mystery man in a business suit comes out. The crowd doesn't know what to think because they have no idea who this man is. He walks down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope to enter the ring. He gets handed a microphone as the arena stays dark with a spot light on him.)
Mystery Man (With disrupted voice): Well! Well! Well! I am here in the ECWF arena. But....What you don't understand is that I been here. Under different titles. Whether it be a General Manager or the first ever World 6-Man Tag Team, now known as Trios, Champion...
Demon: No It can't be.
Mystery Man (With disrupted voice): Yeah that's right!
(The man removes the mask to reveal it is "The Resurrected One" "Broken" Daniel Dream!!)
Daniel Dream: That's right! It is me. It is The Resurrected One, The Broken, Mr. Carnivore, The first ever ECWF World 6-Man Tag Team Champion, a Hall of Famer, and a WarTime Rumble Winner.
(Daniel Dream leans back.)
Daniel Dream: DANIEL DREAM!!
(Daniel leans forward.)
Daniel Dream: Now with that being said I am going to tell you why I organized those attacks on Kevin Hunter & Johnny Bellion. Because I want that World Heavyweight title. I am that World Heavyweight title. I am here to claim that belt as my own. Now what Mr. Rock N' Roll God doesn't know, I signed a contract....A LEGENDS CONTRACT! What you common idiots don't know about this is that I now can claim a contendership to the World title whenever I want. Now I don't wanna cash it when Kevn Hunter is not looking. In fact I don't wanna cash it in on Kevin Hunter. The man is old and past his prime. So I took him out forcing ECWF to vacate the belt. So now all ECWF has to do is by Devil's Night on October 27th is a challenger. I DEMAND that. So what you going to do Rock N' Roll God, now that I have came back and ruined this main event.
(Daniel Dream drops the microphone as the show ends with Daniel Dream in the middle of the ring.)

End of Show