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![]() Date: April 28, 2019 Arena: "T-Mobile Arena" in Las Vegas, Nevada Trios Championship The Age of Fall (Dan Anderson, Jay Reynolds, & Ken Hazzard) vs. The Sacrament (Alexander Thrace, Cortez Conseuga, & Tadakatsu Sanada) (The scene opens at the T-Mobile arena before a packed house full of people all set for the Fallout ppv.) Matt Weiser: Welcome every one to Fallout 2019, we're here live at the T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas Nevada. We gotta lotta great matches here tonite, What do you think Demon? Demon: It's gonna be a great show let's get to the action, lets go. Julia Mexican: This first match is scheduled for one fall.Coming to the ring at this time The Sacrament (Alexander Thrace, Cortez Consuega, & Tadaktsu Sanada) (The Sacrament make their way to the ring as their music plays thruout the building as they walk down the ramp, ignoring the people and into the ring.) Julia Mexican: And their opponents total combined weight 666 pounds the ECWF TRIOS champions the The Age of Fall(c) (Dan Anderson, Jay Reynolds, & Ken Hazard) Demon: 666 that's a bad sign, could turn out to be a bad nite for the champions. Matt Weiser: We'll just have to see. ("We Are One" (WWE Edit) by 12 Stones begins to play over the PA System and Dan is the first one to come out. He looks to the left then to the right, a slight grin on his face then a few seconds later, he's joined by Jay Reynolds and Ken Hazzard. They look out to the crowd, Dan fist bumping both of them then they make their way down to the ring. Dan and Ken enter the ring while Jay goes around and climbs on the apron. Dan and Ken climbs to the second rope onto opposite turnbuckles on either side of Jay as he stands on the apron, facing the crowd. Jay holds up one finger while Ken puts his fists up to his cheeks and Dan places his right leg on the top rope, smirking as the three of them stare out into the crowd. After a few seconds, Dan and Ken hops down to the mat while Jay enters the ring. They regroup by the ropes and face the entrance way or their opponents, depending on who comes out first. Referee Nick Pack checks the guys.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Alexander & Dan start it off for the teams. Alexander hits Dan with a forearm shot. Dan hits Alexander with a big boot. Dan goes over and tags in Jay. Jay jumps in and Alexander manages to tag Cortez in. As Jay charges Cortez hits a european uppercut and follows that with a series of them. Cortez hits a exploder suplex. Demon: Cortez did not miss a beat. This man is dangerous. Cortez hits a scoop slam on Jay. Jay rolls over and gets to his feet. Jay lands a discus clothesline and Cortez rolls over and tags Tadakatsu. Tadakatsu hops into the ring and hits a inverted facelock backbreaker. Tadakatsu goes for a quick pin. .1 ..Jay kicks out. Jay rolls over and tags in Ken. Ken comes stomping into the ring and hits a cravate suplex. Takadatsu gets to his feet and Ken lands a hard shoulder jawbreaker. Matt Weiser: Ken Hazzard is landing tough moves. Tadakatsu gets over and tags in Alexander. Ken charges and Alexander immediately hits a flapjack. Alexander is on fire as Ken rolls to the ropes and tags Dan. Alexander tags in Cortez. Jay pulls Alexander & Cortez to the outside of the ring floor. As Cortez, Jake, & Alexander are battling on the outside of the ring. Ken gets to the top rope and hits a cross body to all three. Tadakatsu was attempting to stop Ken. With Takadatsu back to Dan, Takadatsu turns around and Dan hits a jumping cutter.v Matt Weiser: The D.O.A! Dan covers. .1 ..2 ...3! Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Winners and still ECWF World 6-Man Tag Team Champions Dan Anderson, Jay Reynolds, & Ken Hazzard THE AGE OF FALL!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Demon: Man that was a match, what a way to start the ppv. Matt Weiser: I agree, if that match is gonna be indictive of what the night, gonna be like, I can wait for the other matches. Julia Mexican: This next match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the number one contender for the womens championship. (The scene ends with Dan, Jay, & Ken celebrating with the trios titles.) #1 Contendership for the Women's Championship Ashlynn Taylor Kage vs. Mistress Synn Julia Mexican: Coming to the ring at this time, accompanied to the ring by Rick Long she is from Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina she is the princess of ECWF Ashlynn Taylor Kage.The sound of "Monster in Me" by Big Smo plays as Ashlynn makes her way to the ring slapping hands on the way. Demon: Lets see what the princess of ECWF has in her tonite. Julia Mexican: Coming to the ring next from Las Vegas Nevada, accompanied by Chastity, Mistress Synn. "Devil's Daughter" by Shotgun Rebellion plays as Synn walks to the ring. Demon: Wow the Mistress is looking phenomenal tonite, all those curves and me with no brakes. Matt Weiser: She definetly has a aura of beauty about her. Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell rings and both women walk up to each other and they lockup, Mistress slaps a headlock on her and they go to the ropes and Ashlynn pushes her off and she hits the opposite ropes and shoulder blocks Ashlynn down, she hits the other ropes and Ashlynn drops down and gets up and nails Synn with a dropkick. Synn gets up and runs at Ashlynn and Ashlynn arm drags her and locks in a arm bar as Synn is on the mat. Matt Weiser: Ashlynn is showing her skills tonite. Demon: Yea she obviously studied up on the Mistress. But I think Synn will come back soon. Synn rolls to her feet and gets to the ropes and Ashlynn has to break the hold. They circle each other and lock up again, this time Synn knees her in the stomach and hits a elbow to the back off the head bringing Ashlynn down. The two women exchange punches and forearm smashes. Each landing about 6 apiece. Synn blocks a punch from Ashlynn and lands a belly-to-belly suplex. Demon: What a suplexe. Matt Weiser: The suplex is the most common damn move in wrestling a toddler can do that. Demon: But it was a good one. Ashlynn is shocked by these as she gets to her feet. Synn has a cocky smile on her face about it. Ashlynn runs and Synn runs out of the ring. The two chase each other around the ring. Ashlynn slides into the ring and as Synn follows Ashlynn and hits a step-up enziguri. Ashlynn staggers a bit and Synn hits a slap to Ashlynn's face. Synn follows that up with a snap vertical suplex. Eavan covers. .1 ..Power Kick out! Synn lands a exploder suplex hard on Ashlynn. Demon: Ok here we go, good back n forth match. 1 suplex. Ashlynn is straggering to get up so Synn goes and grabs her. Synn lits Ashlynn and lands a release overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Demon: 2! Samantha is just feeling the anger so she full nelson picks up Eavan and lands a hard release Dragon Suplex. Demon: 3! As Ashlynn gets to her feet. Synn is stalking Ashlynn and lands a Tazzmission suplex. Demon: 4! Matt Weiser: Beautifuk suplex by Synn! Synn covers. .1 ..Kick out! Synn is screaming for Ashlynn to get to her feet. Aslynn does and hits a big boot to Synn as she was approaching and she falls outta the ring. Ashlynn runs to opposite ropes and on her way back she jumps over the top rope to hit a pescado. Vegas Crowd: That was Awesome! That was Awesome! That was Awesome! The ref starts his count. Synn and Ashlynn get up and Synn hits a exploder suplex but Ashlynn's leg hits the barracade. Ashlynn is holding her leg as Synn goes for another move but Ashlynn pulls Synn pants and Synn hits face first into the barracde. Both women make it to their feet and Synn sends Ashlynn to the corner barracade. Synn and hits a hard lariat knocking Ashlynn over it into the crowd, Vegas Crowd: This is Awesome! This is Awesome! This is Awesome! Demon: The Vegas crowd is getting a show tonight. Synn gets over to chase her and the two share a series of punches back & forth throughout the crowd. They get over to where some of the crowd is divine and Ashlynn does a front landing suplex but Synn gut lands on a divider and she hangs for a bit.Ashlynn then charge and hits a running dropkick to Synn's back. Synn flips forward to the ground. Ashlynn comes over the barricade but Synn catches her and hits the Sweet Synn on the floor. Demon: Sweet Synn on the floor. Matt Weiser: That shud be it. They both fall out and the ref continues the count and hits 10. He signals for the bell. Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: The ref has reached 10, this match is ruled a dounle count out. Vegas Crowd: Boo! Boo! Matt Weiser: This crowd isn't happy with the result. Demon: I don't blame em, a double count out after all that. (Both girls are upset that neither can get the win as the scene ends.) ![]() World Tag Team Championship The Dark Society (Mr. B & Jeff Williams)(c) vs. The Kingdom (Mike Dimter & Victoria Scott) Julia Mexican: This is a tag team match set for.... Vegas Crowd: ONE FALL! Julia Mexican: With a 15 minute time limit. It is for the ECWF World Tag Team Championships. First to the ring. They are the defending World Tag Team Champions. The team of "The Diabiological" MR. B & JEFF WILLIAMS!! THE DARK SOCIETY!! (The arena goes pitch black and the song "Mouth" by Bush plays and the band is shown by the entrance ramp playing the song. Fire lights up the entrance ramp as Mr. B & Jeff Williams comes walking out. They make their way to ring and enter it. They avoid all contact with the fans. Referee Mark Jenkins checks them.) Julia Mexican: Now the challengers. They are the team of "Bad Ass" MIKE DIMTER & "The Bombshell" VICTORIA SCOTT! THE KINGDOM!! Demon: The Kingdom is trying again, giving it the old college try, I guess!?! Matt Weiser: Well tonite might be the night. Demon: Oh okay! I am still wondering about this decision. ("Cathedral" The Kingdom Theme Song w/Clock Ticking Intro by Phraze and Todd Andrew blasts throughout the arena...."The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott walk out onto the stage as the arena boo them then they walk down the ramp and they climb up onto the apron and they enter the ring. Referee Mark Jenkins checks him and signals for the bell.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Mike & B starts the match for the teams. Mike goes for a code of honor handshake but B didn't want none of that. B runs and hits a running crossbody. Demon: BORING! BORING! BORING! Matt Weiser: Knock it off Demon. Demon: Why? B gets up and does a sideheadlock and drags Mike over to their corner and tags Jeff. Jeff does a double axe handle smash. Jeff does a hiptoss to Mike as B leaves the ring. Mike rolls over and tags in Victoria. Victoria charges in and hits Jeff with a shoulder block. Jeff straggers backwards. Jeff bounces off of the ropes and Victoria hits a samoan drop. Demon: What power from Victoria Scott. Matt Weiser: It is why she is called The Bombshell. Jeff gets up and looks upset that a women got the best of him. Jeff hits Victoria with knee lift and Jeff follows that with a snap scoop powerslam. Jeff follows that with a jumping elbow drop. Jeff goes for a cover. .1 ..Kick out! Matt Weiser: Series of moves and still no pinfall. Jeff tags in B. B gets on the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody onto Victoria but she caught him. As B is on Victora's shoulders and Victoria rearranges B around and hits a powerbomb she holds the legs for a cover.. .1 ..Kick out! Demon: This girl's power is unmatched. B rolls over and tags Jeff, Jeff runs in and hits a running big boot to Victoria's head. Victoria falls back and Mike tags himself in. Matt hitsa running big boot of his own and Jeff no sells it. Jeff screams. Jeff Williams: Again! Mike runs and hits a clothesline but Jeff is no selling that. Mike does another big boot and Jeff goes to the ropes. As Jeff comes back Mike hits a exploder suplex. Matt Weiser: Mike is feeling it with that seris of moves. Mike goes behind Jeff, as Jeff was getting to his feet. Mike locks in in the rolling cutter, but B comes flying in and hits a dropkick on Mike sending him down. B screams. Mr. B: That's my MOVE! Victoria comes into the ring, and hits a double arm suplex on B sending him out of the ring. Jeff sends Victoria over the top rope out to the floor. Referee was checking Victoria because she landed hard. Mike gets to his feet. Jeff kicks him in the stomach B slides back in and does a zig zag/powerbomb combo. Jeff covers as the referee turns around. .1 ..2 ...3! Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Your winners of the match and still World Tag Team Champions, "The Diabiological" Mr. B & Jeff Williams! The Dark Society!! (Mr. B & Jeff Williams gets handed the World Tag Team titles. They celebrate in the ring showing how dominate they truly are.) Demon: Well I guess 3rd time wasn't a charm for the Kingdom. Matt Weiser: I guess it's back to the drawing board for those two. (The scene ends with Mr. B & Jeff Williams celebrating with World Tag Team titles.) ![]() ![]() Nex*Gen Championship "Pretty" Ricky Stanton(c) vs. Marco Rossi Julia Mexican: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ECWF Next Gen championship. Vegas Crowd: One Fall! Julia Mexican: With a 20 minute time limit. First to the ring. He is a member of THE LEGENDS OF PAIN! He is accompanied by his wife Ashton Rossi. He is from Tampa, Florida.He is the "Falming Youth" MARCO ROSSI (The lights go out and then fire comes out on the ramp as "Man on Fire" plays and Marco & Ashton comes out and makes a pose. The fans go absolutely wild. They go to the ring, Marco slides underneath the bottom rope as Ahston stays on the outside, and Marco raises his arms and fire comes behind him. Referee Salty McGee checks him.) Julia Mexican: Now his opponent. He is the captain of TEAM PRETTY. He is the head of ECWF's Social Media. He is from Richmond, Virginia. He is "Pretty" RICKY STANTON!! (Ladies in white gowns line the ramp...) "Some legends are told" "Some turn to dust or to gold" "But you will remember me" "Remember me, for centuries" "Just one mistake" "Is all it will take" "We'll go down in history" "Remember me for centuries" "Remember me for centuries" (Pyros hit all over the arena as "Pretty" Ricky Stanton steps out onto the ramp in a glittering robe with the letters "PRS" on the back. He stops and spins around as the crowd boos loudly...He smiles as he walks down ringside....He takes his robe off and rolls under the ropes, stand up in the middle of the ring with his hands out talking smack to the crowd. Referee Salty McGee checks him and after that signals for the bell.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Marco and Ricky meet in the center of the ring. Marco extends his hand for a code of honor but Ricky smacks Marco's hand away. Matt Weiser: What no honor? Demon: He has came to us through the world of twitter. I doubt there is no honor in that place. Marco looks mad and hits a savate punch to Ricky, stragger Ricky to the ropes but Ricky comes back with a hard running clothesline. Ricky has a smile on his face as Marco falls to the mat. Ricky is just not taking Marco seriously as Marco immediately gets to his feet and hits Ricky with a standing dropkick right to Ricky's jaw. When Ricky falls to the mat Marco covers. .Kick out! Matt Weiser: It is going to take more than a dropkick to win this match and retain the title there Marco Rossi. Demon: He is called Flaming Youth for making youth dumbass decisions! Ricky is still down so Marco hits a standing elbow drop on Ricky. Marco goes for another cover. Kick out! Marco gets to his feet and hits a standing shooting star press followed by another cover. .Power Kick out! Matt Weiser: Forcing the big man to kick out repeatively may not work as much as Marco Rossi thinks. Marco is standing his back to Ricky and Ricky just pushes Marco and Marco tembles out of the ring. Ricky is laughing as he gets up and climb through the ropes following Marco. Ricky picks up Marco and sends him to the barracade. The referee starts to count. .1 ..2 Demon: The fans are getting a closer look at the guys. Matt Weiser: Didn't you ever fight in the crowd. Demon: Yes that was my go to move. As Marco is leaning on the barracade Ricky does a series of kicks to Marco. ...3 ....4 Ricky then seds Marco into the steel steps. .....5 ......6 Ricky then lifts up Marco and throws him over the top rope into the ring. .......7 Ricky slides back into the ring. Marco is getting to his feet as Ricky gets to his. Ricky charges and hits a flying elbow on Marco sending him back to the corner. Seeing that Ricky charges again and hits a stinger splash to Marco. Marco falls to his knees then facedown on the mat. Ricky goes for a cover but as the referee is down Ricky puts his feet on the bottom ropes. .1 ..2 ...The referee notices the feet on ropes. Demon: Man Ricky is Pretty! Pretty bad at cheating. As both men get up. Marco runs over to the top turnbuckle, flys, and gets caught trying to do a diving crossbody. Ricky caught Marco and lands a running shoulderbreaker. Ricky does a little flashy dance and lands a hard elbow drop. Matt Weiser: The Drop, Pop, & Lock It Elbow! Ricky immediately covers. .1 ..2 .Kick out! Marco & Ricky get to their feet. Marco charges and lands a crossbody block on Ricky. Marco goes over and lands a rolling thunder senton. Marco lands a standing moonsault. Matt Weiser: What a series of moves. Demon: Bunch of flippy shit to me. As Ricky gets up Marco hits a trouble in paradise kick to Ricky's head. Matt Weiser: Marco Rossi calls that Kick of Flames! Ricky rolls to the ropes as he was falling. Demon: Smart ring awareness. Marco goes over to Ricky and Ricky connects with a cheap eye poke. As Marco is somewhat blind. Ricky gets up and hits a standing suplex Ricky then does a kick up to get to his feet. Marco gets up and Ricky hits a samoan drop. Ricky then goes to the turnbuckle and awaits for Marco to get up. Marco gets up and Ricky hits a diving crossbody. Marco pushed Ricky off of him and Ricky rolls to the ropes. Ricky gets up and hits a eye rake to Marco. Marco straggers around and Ricky lands a hard spinebuster. Matt Weiser: What a display of power! As Marco gets to his feet. Ricky goes behind and lands a reverse DDT! Matt Weiser: The Pretty Boy Drop! Ricky covers. .1 ..2 ...Kick out! Ricky is shocked by that kick out. Marco gets up and connects with a left leg roundhouse kick. As Ricky gets to his feet Marco hits a savate punch. Then another and another. Ricky is straggering a bit and Marco lands a Tiger Spin into STO! Matt Weiser: Fire Spin! Ricky is slowly getting to his feet and Marco goes to the ropes and jumps back to land a satellite DDT. Marco covers. Matt Weiser: Firestarter! .1 ..2 ...Kick out! Both men get to their feet and they are both tired. Ricky charges and hits a float over DDT followed by a kip-up . Marco gets to his feet and hits a right leg roundhouse kick. Both men get to their feet and Ricky pulls referee Salty McGee to him as Marco was charging. Marco stops and Ricky kicks Marco in the nuts while the referee is distracted.. Demon: Dick Kick City! Vegas Crowd: BOO! As Marco is hunched over. Ricky lifts him up and hits a gory neckbreaker. Marco falls outta the ring and then grabs a steel chair from ringside. When Ricky comes out after him, Marco hits him in the head and gets dq'd, forcing the ref to call the match. Ricky is busted open and he lays on the floor. Demon: What a cop out by Marco, he couldn't get the job done, so he took the cheap way out. Matt Weiser: Guess he's going by the by any means necessary philosophy. Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match by disqualification and still ECWF Nex*Gen Champion, "Pretty" RICKY STANTON!! (Ricky Stanton is looking upset as Marco Rossi leaves the ringside.) Women's Championship April Dimter(c) vs. Nikki Walton Julia Mexican: The next match is scheduled for 1 fall. Vegas Crowd: One fall! Julia Mexican: Coming to the ring at this time from Chelsea, United Kingdom "The ThrillBilly Nikki Walton. IT’S NOT BRAGGING IF YOU BACK IT UP, BITCH! (These words flicker across the screen before the introduction to “Take It Off” hits the PA, the lights flicker a silver colour before fireworks shoot out of the sides of the stage. As cool and composed as ever, Nikki walks out through the curtains to an eruption of cheers with a smattering of jeers. She smirks to herself before strolling down to the ring, her head gently bobbing to the sound of her theme music. She slaps the occasional hand as her main aim is to get to the ring. She paces around the ring whilst the chorus is playing before standing on the apron and leaning back on the ropes, standing there with a grin on her face before ducking under the top rope and lingering there for a moment, giving the fans something to remember before stepping into the ring and strolling to a turnbuckle, gesturing to herself and arrogantly blowing kisses to the fans as they continue to give her the fairly mixed reception.) “TAKE IT OFF! (Take it off!)” (As if on cue, Nikki takes off her deep purple waistcoat in time to the lyrics and slips it off her shoulders, revealing the tight fitting cropped top; before looking down at the camera and throwing the garment over it with a smirk before jumping down from the turnbuckle and heading to the next turnbuckle before once again playing to the crowd and relishing the heat some are giving out for all she stands for.) “COS I GET WHAT I WANT AND I LIKE WHAT I SEE!” (After posing on top of the last turnbuckle she comes to, Nikki leans against the ropes, her gaze fixed on the ramp, awaiting her opponent.) Julia Mexican: And the opponent the ECWF womens champion, from Philadelphia PA April Dimter ("Stars In The Night" by CFO$ blasts throuhout the arena...April Dimter along with "The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter & "The Bombshell" Victoria Scott walk on to the stage as the group walks down the ramp then April Dimter gets into the ring.) Demon: Alrite time for the womens title match. Matt Weiser: Shud be interesting. Ding! Ding! Ding! This match is completely one sided as April dominates the match, with Julie conveniently looking away every time Nikki makes a comeback. Nikki gets on a roll and reveres a whip from April seeing her in to the corner, Nikki hits The ThrillBilly Ride and goes for the pin, buy Julie is looking at the corner bucklr not counting the pin. Nikki gets up and gets in Julie's face, allowing April time to recuperate and hit the All Day. April covers her and Julie immediately gets down and counts her down. 1...2...3 Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and still ECWF Women's Champion April Dimter!! ![]() Demon: Man that was a lopsided match. Matt Weiser: I agree, Nikki didn't stand a chance in this one. Well it's onto the big one, the main event. (The scene ends with April Dimter celebrating with the Women's title.) World Heavyweight Championship Kevin Hunter(c) vs. James Ceno Julia Mexican: Now it is time for the main event. It is for the World Heavyweight Championship. First to the ring is the reigning champion from Davenport Iowa, 6'5" 235 Pounds The Alpha King Kevin Hunter!! (The lights go out as "DUST" by Tremonti plays over the speakers, the crowd goes wild as Kevin Hunter and Allie Knight stepped onto the stage, Hunter stood on top of the ramp, looking around the arena as the crowd roared in cheers. The Devil Incarnate slowly started to walk down the ramp, making it to the end of the ramp. Allie Knight walked over to one side outside of the ring as Hunter walked up the stell steps, methodically making his way into the ring as Allie Knight slipped into the ring under the ropes on the other side. Hunter slowly stepped up onto the turnbuckle looking around the arena as the crowd erupted into a loud roar of cheers, the Devil looked at the ramp awaiting his prey..) Julia Mexican: On the way to the ring James Ceno!! (James makes his way to the ring and gets in the ring awaiting the match.) Ding! Ding! Ding! Demon: I live for moments like this. ECWF in Vegas and, in the city that never sleeps seeing a great world title match front & center, and crowd electric seeing our style of wrestling. Ceno does a cyclone kick out of the gate knocking. Kevin backwards. Demon: What a kick! Ceno was gonna go for a cover but Kevin never went down he lean on the ropes and when Ceno came back Kevin hit Ceno with a big boot. Both men hit the mat. Both men get up and start hitting each other with punches. Kevin lands a couple boxing style punches during the series. Ceno runs to the ropes and comes back to hit a running forearm knocking Kevin down. Matt Weiser: Series of punches from each man and ending with a running forearm. Demon: They gotta bring whatever they got for this match. Ceno waits on Kevin to get up and hit's a suplex on him. Matt Weiser: He nailed that one definetly. Demon: Indeed he did. Ceno charges and hits a clothesline and then hits a leg drop. Ceno goes for a cover. 1...2... kick out Ceno hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Eric goes for a cover. .Kick out! Ceno then waits on Kevin to get up he goes behind and goes for a angle slam, he lifts him up, but Kevin spins outta it and hit the Buried Alive in the process. Immediately rolling him over and hooking the leg. .1 ..2 ...3! Ding! Ding! Ding! Julia Mexican: Your winner of the match and still ECWF World Heavyweight Champion, Kevin Hunter!! Kevin grabs the belt and climbs the turnbuckle with the belt. ![]() Demon: What a match. Matt Weiser: It was barn burner for sure. Well on behalf of myself and Demon and ECWF, goodnite everybody. (The scene ends with Kevin on the ropes holding the belt high in victory.) PPV ENDS! |