"The ThrillBilly" Nikki Walton
130 lbs.
Chelsea, London, United Kingdom
"Take It Off" by The Donnas
The Revolver (054 splash); The ThrillBilly Ride (The ZigZag)
Move Set
- Tornado DDT
- Victory roll
- Missile dropkick
- Top rope elbow drop
- Springboard forearm smash
- Enziguri
- Crescent kick
- Bulldog
- Knee smash
- Low blow
- Eye gouge
- Dragon whip
- Russian legsweep
- Shining Wizard
- Standing Moonsault
- Spinning Neckbreaker
- German Suplex (on smaller opponents)
- Frankensteiner
- Cartwheel leg drop
- Figure four leg lock (with bridge)
(2013) WarTime Rumble Winner (Only female to do it)
(1) Women's
