Jay Reynolds
214 lbs.
Orlando, Florida
"Don't Know Down" by Shatterglass
One Hit Wonder (Small Package Driver); Starstuck (Double Knee Facebreaker)
Move Set
- Shining Wizard
- Sling Blade
- Phoenix Splash
- Olympic Slam
- Bicycle Knee
- Sliding Forearm Smash
- Super Scoop Slam
- Standing Shooting Star Press
- Slingshot Guillotine Leg Drop to a opponent draped over the middle or bottom rope
- Sharpshooter
- Kneecap Brainbuster
- Exploder Suplex
- Wheelbarrow Facebuster
- Leg Drop Bulldog
- Spin Out Powerbomb
- Half Nelson Backbreaker
- Discus Clothesline
- Elevated DDT
- Snapmare Driver
- Bridging Reverse Chinlock, sometimes trasitioned from an inverted headlock takeover
(1) Trios (w/Dan Anderson & Ken Hazzard)
(1) World Tag Team (w/Ken Hazzard)
