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Jay Reynolds
214 lbs.
Orlando, Florida
"Don't Know Down" by Shatterglass
One Hit Wonder (Small Package Driver); Starstuck (Double Knee Facebreaker)

Move Set
  1. Shining Wizard
  2. Sling Blade
  3. Phoenix Splash
  4. Olympic Slam
  5. Bicycle Knee
  6. Sliding Forearm Smash
  7. Super Scoop Slam
  8. Standing Shooting Star Press
  9. Slingshot Guillotine Leg Drop to a opponent draped over the middle or bottom rope
  10. Sharpshooter
  11. Kneecap Brainbuster
  12. Exploder Suplex
  13. Wheelbarrow Facebuster
  14. Leg Drop Bulldog
  15. Spin Out Powerbomb
  16. Half Nelson Backbreaker
  17. Discus Clothesline
  18. Elevated DDT
  19. Snapmare Driver
  20. Bridging Reverse Chinlock, sometimes trasitioned from an inverted headlock takeover

(1) Trios (w/Dan Anderson & Ken Hazzard)

(1) World Tag Team (w/Ken Hazzard)